Author Topic: 23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black In America  (Read 2785 times)

everyone always discusses whites and blacks and leaves asians neglected
how many ways are there to kill asians, hmmm?
one; frying them with nukes

hey you never saw this brother being shot after being asked to get a drivers license
You never saw this brother get shot playing with a plastic gun
Never saw this brother get shot after selling stocks outside a gas station

Just because SJWs love to talk stuff about checking privilege doesn't mean it suddenly doesn't exist. White privilege has been around since white people basically conquered half of the globe
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 12:31:53 PM by PhantOS »

hey you never saw this brother being shot after being asked to get a drivers license
You never saw this brother get shot playing with a plastic gun
Never saw this brother get shot after selling stocks outside a gas station
Hey you never saw this brother's hands
You never saw this brother with a plastic gun with the tip removed pointing it at people in a high crime area
Never saw this brother getting tazed and resisting arrest with a gun on him

This man scares me

Hey you never saw this brother's hands
You never saw this brother with a plastic gun with the tip removed pointing it at people in a high crime area
Never saw this brother getting tazed and resisting arrest with a gun on himThis man scares me
dude two thirds of this stuff doesn't even warrant being shot over. Plus how can you not resist arrest when you have thousands of volts of electricity coursing through your nerves if it was me i'd be twisting around in agony

And and tell me this when an officer tells you to show him some id what do you do: show him that id or put your hands up? Too bad brother you getting shot either way

Plus how can you not resist arrest when you have thousands of volts of electricity coursing through your nerves if it was me i'd be twisting around in agony
The guy wasn't exactly a delicate flower

White people die more than black people in America.

everyone always discusses whites and blacks and leaves asians neglected
how many ways are there to kill asians, hmmm?
Well clearly they're trying to point out an epidemic of black violence. Even if you don't agree that it exists, it's dumb to act like that is something heinous.

let me clarify: i believe that there is a bias against blacks when it comes to police populations, but again, as freshmin said, the news is trying to cash in on the shootings of black people. does that make the shootings better or worse? no. it's a slimy cash-grab that the media tries to pull in attempt to gain more "clicks." there's still accidental/unwarranted white shootings.
Does Alicia Keys (or any other celebrity from this video) really stand to gain that much frmo this? They get positive PR, sure, but they could just as easily invest their money in something more profitable. It seems like, in this instance, it's not a cash-grab (especially since this is probably a non-profit) but just a group of people who want to change things.

CNN is one of the most biased sources there is

Police aren't taking advantage of anyone, your race is just full of handicaps

it just so happens that a lot of people are really upset about black killings
I wonder why?

Wtf is the point of stuff like this? It's not helping the racial divide in the world at all
Unless there's actually an epidemic of police pulling the trigger too quickly when they encounter black people... in which case they'd be highlighting an issue, right?

Come to think of it i dont remember any white people ever being unjustly shot by police. Like no offense but the news never actually covers it and stuff. Does anyone else even remember a single case involving a white dude?
I think I've heard one before. I'm sure it happens pretty often, but I don't think it happens disproportionately to white people.

The guy wasn't exactly a delicate flower

White people die more than black people in America.
Almost like there are more of them :nes:

Damnit ultimax you're going to summon the ghost of Tezuni Von Antiliberal

You do understand that black people come into more contact with police, right?

Just because someone is unarmed doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.

everyone always discusses whites and blacks and leaves asians neglected
how many ways are there to kill asians, hmmm?
There's 2 ways.

You do understand that black people come into more contact with police, right?
and thats why we got completely innocent people like philando castile being murdered more often

You do understand that black people come into more contact with police, right?
They are arrested 2x more than expected for their population, yes. (They're 13% of the population and 28% of the arrests)

That doesn't account for the 5x figure.

Just because someone is unarmed doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.
Are unarmed black people 5x more likely to be dangerous then? Is that what accounts for these numbers? Black people are superhuman?

everyone always discusses whites and blacks and leaves asians neglected
how many ways are there to kill asians, hmmm?

There's always napalm and nuclear bombs