
Who wants real sound in the game that fills any size room and does not go through brick walls?

New Sound
Current Sound

Author Topic: Real Sound  (Read 824 times)

Who wants real sound that fills a room like it would in real life. The current sound goes right through bricks and makes it very cheesy when you have a skyscraper and the sound from the 6th floor goes to the first floor lol. It would realy help if sound was stoped by bricks and doors like JVS doors. Plus it 's hard to make a stadium with music and the music only coves 1/10th of the stadium. Would it be posible for us to set a number on the music brick that changes the range of the sound and the volume.

It's possible to add cube or sphere sound area toggle. Also the ability to set the sound's  range through that same gui. But Badspot probably won't do it till bl v10.

and hopefully we get v9 for that matter XD

It's possible to add cube or sphere sound area toggle. Also the ability to set the sound's  range through that same gui. But Badspot probably won't do it till bl v10.

He won't do it at all.

Probably not. But someone could.