Author Topic: Bernie supports hillary clinton  (Read 2197 times)

Bernie endorsing Hillary Clinton shows more moral integrity than not, IMO. He could have chosen not to endorse her and thus never really 'conceded' defeat, but he chose to do so because he actually cares more about the issues than snubbing his former opponent and possibly helping Annoying Orange to win the election.

This is the first time I've felt bad for Bernie

Bernie endorsing Hillary Clinton shows more moral integrity than not, IMO. He could have chosen not to endorse her and thus never really 'conceded' defeat, but he chose to do so because he actually cares more about the issues than snubbing his former opponent and possibly helping Annoying Orange to win the election.

Too bad Bernie's fans are more anti-establishment than sympathetic.

Too bad Bernie's fans are more anti-establishment than sympathetic.
viva la revolution

Too bad Bernie's fans are more anti-establishment than sympathetic.
Bernie would have enacted change through the same channels that Hillary will. It seems like she's adopting a lot of Bernie's hard-line policies anyway.

I feel like voting for someone because they're 'anti-establishment' doesn't really mean anything either. It's the same as those people who want to vote for Annoying Orange because he 'speaks his mind'.

that beard dude over there made fire

pokemon go to the edge of a loving skyscraper

Bernie would have enacted change through the same channels that Hillary will. It seems like she's adopting a lot of Bernie's hard-line policies anyway.
Here's the thing: Everyone knows she won't fufill any of them, ESPECIALLY her "promise" to be anti-TPP. She will sign it, 100%, and she will break basically every other promise she's made. And when she does, he will have an insane amount of leverage. So it's either she goes through with what she promised, or she guarantees that an anti-establishment candidate gets the presidency next time.

Everyone knows she won't fufill any of them, ESPECIALLY her "promise" to be anti-TPP.
I mean, her voting record is pretty progressive. It's totally conceivable that she would work towards free tuition at public universities. Getting rid of the TPP though? Not a chance.

Though the thing is, if you're interested in issues rather than personalities, going from Bernie to Hillary makes the most sense. Sure, she's an old, abrasive politician, but she's the closest thing to Bernie who is still a viable option.

Anyone who feels betrayed by Bernie endorsing Hillary is delusional and letting pettiness cloud their judgement. They agree on 99% of issues. They agree with Annoying Orange on very few. I know 99% isn't what you want, but securing a victory against the crazy orange border-wall man is more important. If he had refused to endorse Hillary it would be nothing more than a petty grudge, and I would be dissapointed in him. He chose the next best option for America.

Also, I think she's more liberal than she lets on. Nobody goes from a fullblown bra-burning hippie to Hillary Clinton without a little bit of self-manipulation.

Just look at young Hillary. There's no way.

Also anyone who thinks the Secretary of State should be imprisoned for mishandling documents is insane. It was dumb but honestly I don't think it has been nearly as bad as people have blown it up to be. GOP politicians do shadier and more malicious things every single day.

Anyone who feels betrayed by Bernie endorsing Hillary is delusional and letting pettiness cloud their judgement. They agree on 99% of issues. They agree with Annoying Orange on very few. I know 99% isn't what you want, but securing a victory against the crazy orange border-wall man is more important. If he had refused to endorse Hillary it would be nothing more than a petty grudge, and I would be dissapointed in him. He chose the next best option for America.
Also, I think she's more liberal than she lets on. Nobody goes from a fullblown bra-burning hippie to Hillary Clinton without a little bit of self-manipulation.

Just look at young Hillary. There's no way.

Also anyone who thinks the Secretary of State should be imprisoned for mishandling documents is insane. It was dumb but honestly I don't think it has been nearly as bad as people have blown it up to be. GOP politicians do shadier and more malicious things every single day.

^ hilarious and substantive response to well-reasoned and developed points.

Also, I think she's more liberal than she lets on. Nobody goes from a fullblown bra-burning hippie to Hillary Clinton without a little bit of self-manipulation.

Just look at young Hillary. There's no way.

Also anyone who thinks the Secretary of State should be imprisoned for mishandling documents is insane. It was dumb but honestly I don't think it has been nearly as bad as people have blown it up to be. GOP politicians do shadier and more malicious things every single day.
imo I give no stuffs about the mishandling of documents, but if it is intent in order to hide stuff, then you gotta look into it. if you throw out the emails you are throwing out all of that juicy bread crumbs that could've led to treason or even sinking the ship that is the clinton foundation.