Author Topic: Eat The Ball, bread of the future  (Read 1241 times)

just wanted to tell you guys that there is a brand of bread that specializes in sport-themed and spherical-shaped bread, and their selling point is their name, which demands that you consume their product.

what are you waiting for? eat the ball. consume the orb. ingest the sphere.

I'd just get one of those earth-shaped ones so I can satisfy my Extreme Vore fantasies

maybe if its in the shape of a human heart so i can drink the blood of my enemies

I'd just get one of those earth-shaped ones so I can satisfy my Extreme Vore fantasies

D E V O U R   T H E   S P H E R U L E

I guess it's an interesting concept if you're into dry bread lol

is there a baseball one so i can throw it at 100mph for someone to catch it with their mouth

is there a baseball one so i can throw it at 100mph for someone to catch it with their mouth
no there's a soccer ball though. i guess you could kick it into someone's mouth if you wanted to

perhaps throwing a hail mary with the football bread would also work

they look like cookies in the pictures and its making me hungry
its probably just whitebread though sadly

maybe if its in the shape of a human heart so i can drink the blood of my enemies
a velvet heart with runny red cream filling

they look like cookies in the pictures and its making me hungry
its probably just whitebread though sadly
actually they're made with only the