Author Topic: Today marks the day I've existed on this planet for one more cycle  (Read 1161 times)

1 year closer to actually having to be a responsible adult that has to actually take care of themself.
yay I guess

also sorry if I havent been as active around here as of late, I usually browse around here during school and since its summer break I've had very little time to actually post on here.

Well Then; This Is Very Good For You,

It Must Be Quite Pleasing Yes? Except For The Fact That Your Significance Is Fabricated,

Happy birthday, Flatflyer. Don't eat too much cake.

Well Then; This Is Very Good For You,
It Must Be Quite Pleasing Yes? Except For The Fact That Your Significance Is Fabricated,

What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

happy birthday birdforgeter

congratulations red bird man for 17 years of existing

ah yes the good ol days
now my loving tastes have expanded

for better or worse I dont really know

Well Then; This Is Very Good For You,

It Must Be Quite Pleasing Yes? Except For The Fact That Your Significance Is Fabricated,

?? huh? ?

I have been waiting for this moment
fappy birdday

op is one month older than me fml

Also happy birday

so many birthday topics today

hapo bdo