Author Topic: Ghostbuster's Star is now calling everyone tribal.  (Read 15888 times)

don't even talk to me if you don't think slimer is hot

jabba the hut

Well, that's just gonna confuse me for weeks now.
Tony can't keep an avatar for more than 3 days

Tony can't keep an avatar for more than 3 days
i think he's changing it daily

The original had poor craftsmanship so I made a better mock-up.

"stuff, people are disproving my arguments, and making me look bad. Maybe if I change my avatar to one that looks like somebody who's respected, people will take my side!"

There are absolutely massive databases of textbooks and academic resources online that college professors compare your paper to. It's usually done automatically if the teacher uses something like TurnItIn to accept paper uploads.
He wouldn't know, I'm not sure if he's made it pass high school.

i think he's changing it daily
I've counted 8 avatars since last Sunday

It won't be long before Lord Tony wears out getting triggered by SJWs like he did with the last dead horse he beat.

simply not replying to them makes them non existent basically.

Not everyone is as stoic and uncaring as you, oh mighty bisjac, conqueror of all insecurity

Edit: this woman is objectively wrong that she got upset at people calling her racial slurs... she should feel bad that she felt bad, even!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 09:56:15 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

To diss the reboot, I got with my friends and watched the original on the reboot's release date.

Well, that's just gonna confuse me for weeks now.
gotta be obnoxious by any means possible i guess

lil' bit salty he put more effort into seventh's avatar then when he stole mine