Author Topic: my SC Models!  (Read 1977 times)


i would post some but my blender is not working it seems..

if somone wants to upload the photos...please do so!

i would post some but my blender is not working it seems..

looks like we have to diagnose the issue then: what's the error message that occurs when you try and open it (if there's an error message at all)? what version of blender are you using? have you tried reinstalling?

looks like we have to diagnose the issue then: what's the error message that occurs when you try and open it (if there's an error message at all)? what version of blender are you using? have you tried reinstalling?

no error it just freazes i'll try and redownloading it

photos addd..and it seems they are very early versons..guess thats what happens when a vryus eats all of them up!

Hey, thats pretty good!

Hey, thats pretty good!

thanks! i hope to see at lest the Goliath in game at some point :P

Please someone texture and script that goliath, I have a desparate need.

Please someone texture and script that goliath, I have a desparate need.


colossus looks like bacteriophage