how often do you mistype something

Author Topic: how often do you mistype something  (Read 793 times)

no matter how you define "mistype" they answer is always
i usually edit my posts to clarify wording and fix spelling

autocorrect so vary often

my keyboard has been doing this thing where it sometimes inputs douuble letters

like that, actually. it's usually the u,, o , comma,, or i keys and it happens a forgetton

i have to go back and fix them but for the sake of this post i will leave them as they were typed

Often cause I don't type the way you're supposed to and I have small hands so they move around a heck of a lot

I pride myself on how eloquently I type but the irony of it is that I accidentally make a typo pretty frequently because fast typing and accurate typing don't always mix.

my keyboard has been doing this thing where it sometimes inputs douuble letters

like that, actually. it's usually the u,, o , comma,, or i keys and it happens a forgetton

i have to go back and fix them but for the sake of this post i will leave them as they were typed
it would do that for me on my old laptop but with only the 4, r, f, and v
it made me legit rage once

not often, except on certain words. or "words"
like I'll make typos a lot when I type "letsencrypt"

80% of the time i have 1 typo in a sentence
(i had to correct this 4 times)

i refuse to use autocomplete/correct on my phone.
so often lol