Author Topic: Amir (36590) - DDoSing and SWAT threats  (Read 33400 times)

Amir is one of the hugest liars i've met on this game lmao.

i have already had one person vouch for me saying im not and ive cleared things up already.
Wow! You got a whooping one person vouch for you? That's loving incredible! How do you feel having less than 1% of the community believe in you? Must feel fantastic especially considering that they're so totally famous too! And it's pretty evident that you've cleared up absoluuuuuuuuuutely everything in this thread, Amir! That one person is totally evidence to nullify every other piece of evidence thrown against you!

Get over yourself. You didn't clear jack stuff.

I'm talking about clearing up me being affiliated with Cca.

So how does it feel having only one person backing you up on your lies?

What lies? I've clearly proven that I am not affiliated with cca? Why the forget would I affiliate with someone threatening me? What?

What lies? I've clearly proven that I am not affiliated with cca? Why the forget would I affiliate with someone threatening me? What?
I should have worded that better. How does it feel having one person back you up on the rest of your lies? And I still don't believe you when you say you don't have any affiliations with cca.
And please, don't focus all of your attention on my, it's embarrassing me! There are others out there that you need to pay attention to:
you've got a bunch of people who don't believe a word you say
yep, cleared that right up buddy

I should have worded that better. How does it feel having one person back you up on the rest of your lies? And I still don't believe you when you say you don't have any affiliations with cca.
And please, don't focus all of your attention on my, it's embarrassing me! There are others out there that you need to pay attention to:

Prove that I am affilated with Cca.

Prove that I am affilated with Cca.
Hahaha are you really reading my posts? Do I need to bold, underline, and red the word "rest" too in that post?

Coming right up:
I should have worded that better. How does it feel having one person back you up on the rest (I.e. all but the one I'm mentioning) of your lies?
Besides, even if I did get all the evidence in the world that you and cca are in cahoots, you'd still deny it like you've been doing with every other point in this entire thread.

i never said that one person was backing anything else up, i said they were backing up the point that i am NOT affiliated with cca
also you're completely ignoring the part where i question why i would be affilating with someone threatening and blackmailing me??

i never said that one person was backing anything else up, i said they were backing up the point that i am NOT affiliated with cca
also you're completely ignoring the part where i question why i would be affilating with someone threatening and blackmailing me??
Because you were close with him before doing something to set him off. Don't act stupid, you're fooling nobody. You two even had the same steam avatars lol.

i never said that one person was backing anything else up, i said they were backing up the point that i am NOT affiliated with cca
Ahhh, I see, I'm still taking it with a grain of salt however.
also you're completely ignoring the part where i question why i would be affilating with someone threatening and blackmailing me??
I see it well. It's a valid point, but alas, if you'll stop focusing on me:
Amir is one of the hugest liars i've met on this game lmao.
you've got a bunch of people who don't believe a word you say
yep, cleared that right up buddy
I'm doubtful about this one but I'll list it anyways:
idk stockholm syndrome??
And I've read the thread too, and let me say; you'd suck at poker.

And let me ask kindly: when did I say I'm still talking about affiliations with cca? iirc the word "rest" means something among the lines of "everything else," "other parts of something," etc.

If you want to converse some more, shoot me a PM, I'm going to try to go back to bed. Note that I started typing this before Rafen said his reply, too.

I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but I'll just post all chat logs that I have, pertaining to Cca, Amir, and Ddossing.

These logs were from when base raiders was a 'hot' topic.

Talking to Amir:

Talking to Cca:

So, this proves that Amir has Ddossed previously, does not joke about it when there is evidence that he has Ddossed, and definitely is a loving idiot.

Also, joking about Self Delete is vastly different than joking about swatting or Ddossing, especially when somebody or something has been attacked. Chances are, people won't directly joke about Self Delete directly towards somebody that committed Self Delete.

I don't condone joking about Self Delete or anything along these lines, but yea, drink bleach Amir. I don't really have much against you in terms of disliking you or liking you, but you're digging yourself a deeper grave in this drama.

damn you straight up played into the manipulators hands and risked the safety of somebody you 'trust'