Author Topic: Life Mod  (Read 1255 times)

I was just thinking about this the other day, I thought about a life mod.
You would be able to buy food. There would be 2 types of each food: One non-checked out version you can't eat, and another you can. They would be items, how this would work is you would build a store and a storage room with all the checked out food, and in the main part of the store the non-checked out food. You would grab a box of un-checked out food, go up to the register and pay, then you would give the non-checked out food to the cashier and then the cashier would go into the storage and get the checked out food and give it to the customer.
You would have a life meter, the lower it goes the hungrier. You eat the checked out food to regain 10+ life. Of course the life meter would hold 100 life.
You should also be able to marry people by typing /marry nameofplayer. A message would pop up on their screen saying "Would you like to marry yourname?" and two options, yes or no.
Once you are married you can have a baby, to do that type /baby nameofplayer. Then the message would pop up on their screen saying "Would you like to have a baby with yourname?" and two options, yes or no. I'm not sure how the baby system would work, but it would be similar to Mr. Pickles.

P.S: To eat the food you have to be carrying the food, then you just click.

Nice idea if some1 would tell me how to script and make moddles i would help :cookieMonster: rated 7/10

Nice idea if some1 would tell me how to script and make moddles i would help :cookieMonster: rated 7/10

Also, scripting isn't a thing you can just learn easily. It's very hard, I've tried, it's hard.

Nice idea if some1 would tell me how to script and make moddles i would help :cookieMonster: rated 7/10

Also, scripting isn't a thing you can just learn easily. It's very hard, I've tried, it's hard.
it all depends on what you want to script...

Bump, I need some responses on what people think about the idea.

Maybe you can just edit tthe baby mod with the hunger level and also edit the grow thing.
Anyway nice idea


I would make but dont know how to make mod's lol

Very nice idea i give  :cookieMonster::cookie:

Not a single flame yet? God where is everybody?

Crap idea. What the hell is wrong with you?

Better, Des? :D