
the largest number of viruses you've had

22 (42.3%)
11 (21.2%)
2 (3.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
jesus christ 30
12 (23.1%)
definition of secure; loving 200 or more
5 (9.6%)

Total Members Voted: 52

Author Topic: old virus crap and ads, and sites  (Read 4946 times)

oh my god remember those fake window ads that everyone clicked the x on
yeah virus discussion

yeah i remember these
back when i was computer illiterate,
remember those "VIRUS DETECTED" popups that said that your computer had like 10K viruses on it?
yeah i fell for those alot

at first i thought this was a forum Self Delete because someone said spamming what's in the title in supersuit's thread

they're pretty much all malicious and in-the-background now instead of just emailing itself to all your contacts in outlook rofl

damn, I remember when I was so tempted to click those and never did

This feels so out of place but it fits so well.


really i've never had a single virus though, my parents drilled into me to tell them about any "popups" or whatnot

emailing itself to all your contacts in outlook rofl
i still remember the melissa and ILOVEYOU virus

i still remember the melissa and ILOVEYOU virus
you're like 10

i used to have binkiland
actually theres still some fragments of it in my pc but its unable to do its job

you're like 10

You do realize ages aren't always accurate rite?

On topic, I was torrenting buying Sony Vegas and the title of the download said "ChingLiu", which for those of you who don't know is a trusted uploader, but I should have checked the actual uploader's name, because it was actually SadeemPC, who just uploads fake installers full of viruses. I ended up getting a bunch of annoying malware/adware, most of which had hilariously bad attempts at making you believe they're real by using broken english. I didn't count but it was somewhere close to 15+.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 04:24:32 PM by Willymcmilly »