Author Topic: Blockland's tribal show their true colors  (Read 24796 times)

Is anyone else wondering why it's the black/white race?

Like, black people aren't actually black, they're brown. But I guess brown has been taken by Arabs. And white people aren't white, it's more like a light cream color.

Kinda like ice cream, yum.

drama of the year 2016 material right here

it is now tribal to prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate

it is now tribal to prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate
vanilla privileges have been oppressing us for too long! #chocolatelivesmatter

How did you get my researchhub searches

are asians half baked then

can we ban jitank please

can we ban jitank please
Ban him to space where he can be all alone and no-one can discriminate him, then he'll finally be at peace with himself.
Untill we launch a satelite into orbit and accidentaly hit him along the way

Ban him to space where he can be all alone and no-one can discriminate him, then he'll finally be at peace with himself.
Untill we launch a satelite into orbit and accidentaly hit him along the way
or we could just eject him from the satellite
aliens don't need spacesuits anyways :cookieMonster:

You completely took Red Spy out of context. And the rest of them are just starfishs, which almost everyone already knew. Jitank, you're mostly right that some of these users are tribal pricks, but you aren't going to prove it here.

at this point jitank knew this drama was going to backfire thus proving he really just does it for the attention
I think he believes he will win if he just keeps going. The problem is, nobody wins in an online argument, so you should be careful when bringing one to drama.

you guys have some low quality jokes tbf
It's the same people each time. Thinly veiled tribals who mask their hatred under the guise of a joke. There are genuinely funny tribal jokes, these are not them.

How did you get my researchhub searches
This is a funny race-y joke.

jitank, you had ancestors?

Maxx, your handicapped memes aren't helping.

*See title*

*See who made it*

*It's Jitank again*

Nearly every drama topic is made from a sense of outrage. It's how we achieve change.

jitank sjw confirmed
Jitank is the definition of an SJW. I don't think I would use this term on any other user here.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this
The point of the drama board is to stop poor behavior via social pressure. This is the goal of nearly every drama topic.

can we ban jitank please
I mean... he's almost entirely right in this topic. Other than Red Spy, who was taken out of context.

itt: jitank has a temper tantrum because he got called monday on an internet forum
Bro, people getting angry over insults on an internet forum is like half of this board. He's not throwing a "tempter tantrum"... have you ever witnessed an actually very angry person?

Ban him to space where he can be all alone and no-one can discriminate him, then he'll finally be at peace with himself.
Untill we launch a satelite into orbit and accidentaly hit him along the way
or we could just eject him from the satellite
aliens don't need spacesuits anyways :cookieMonster:
This sort of stuff isn't helping.

I'm not tribal, I'm just brutally honest with my lesser Jitank

i'm just fooling around and i've made it very clear in arguments against actual tribals that i'm very much against racism or mass discrimination in general

Maxx, your handicapped memes aren't helping.
Yea, forget em, he made a joke!

Barely anyone here is actually tribal, it's more along the lines of them using it as a way to troll jitank

At this point everyone's acting ridiculous

does anyone have a good high quality picture of jitank for editing purposes