Author Topic: It's Evar678 and Port's birthday (again) (again)  (Read 3115 times)

I'm now 20, he's now 18.


and such

That is all except for the eerie reality that apparently we had our birthday on the same day 2 years ago as well, and the year before that O_o wtf is this magic

both of you are big nerds
have a nice and hopefully happy birthday

both of you are big nerds
have a nice and hopefully happy birthday
And a gr8 day

Port's fiance irl

i didnt know people could be finance

oh hey i remember you from years ago when i was richarding around on a movie server of yours. happy birthday

Port's fiance irl
I don't know you very well but that's awesome, congrats! I got engaged back in May.

Happy bday too!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 03:56:54 PM by Ravencroft· »

Port's fiance irl
People in Blockland have real life relationships?

happy birthday(s) yo

I already ended port's birthday, it's only evar's birthday