Author Topic: once you got a job, what would you spend your money on?  (Read 4987 times)

allocate the funds to my time machine research de-
i mean uh
steam stuff/legos

probably a computer by then
start saving up for a house, then a car

I've run out of spending ideas pretty much

probably a computer by then
start saving up for a house
then a car

I've run out of spending ideas
Who buys a house before they buy a car

holy stuff my gaming rig finally

i got a job and bought a nice custom built pc. just need a gpu and a monitor im not borrowing from someone else and i'll be set. after that i'll definitely increase the amount per month i'm putting in savings but i'll start buying some swords or something.

treating my friends to lunch is cool also

First, gaming rig. I'm already planning to work next summer. After the rig, maybe a dirt bike then I'll just save

i got a job and bought a nice custom built pc. just need a gpu and a monitor im not borrowing from someone else and i'll be set. after that i'll definitely increase the amount per month i'm putting in savings but i'll start buying some swords or something.

treating my friends to lunch is cool also

you can get decent monitors in thrift stores and even on the side of the road
same goes for plenty of things
i'd know because my immediate family is poorcigarettes