Author Topic: [NEWS] Philippines president calls US ambassador "gay son of a whore"  (Read 5221 times)

fun fact: bob marley died of melanoma
its pronounced marijuana

They wanted this. The people voted for a guy who literally said he'd legalize killing people who do drugs. There was cheering in the streets for a guy who is now straight up going on a murderous rampage. This is the closest thing we've had to a Riddler in a long time.

Filipinos are the mondays of Asia. They had this coming.

Anyone want to guess which country the Philippines celebrate independence from?

Anyone want to guess which country the Philippines celebrate independence from?

Anyone want to guess which country the Philippines celebrate independence from?
The Spanish Empire of course :^)

This just in: the U.S. is drugs.

Edit: Thank you based google images

The Spanish Empire of course :^)
And also the U.S., because we decided that this imperialism stuff was cool and we wanted colonies too.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 01:59:21 AM by Magus »

This just in: the U.S. is drugs.
i knew obama wasn't destroying all those drugs...

additional information:

60-70k people, including 4 mayors and 5 leaders in the military, are currently under suspicion of drug addiction merely by police accusation. we'll see how this plays out

and here's a bit of gold from duterte: "my order is shoot to kill you. I don't care about human rights, you better believe me."

horrible. if someone wanted to, they could just kill someone and place drugs with the body or in their house. I'm all for death over rehabilitation but this is just too easily abused.

This is the world I live in, nice...... aside from that though this reminds me of that movie that there was something like 48 hours of a lawless society. I can't remember the title though.

This is the world I live in, nice...... aside from that though this reminds me of that movie that there was something like 48 hours of a lawless society. I can't remember the title though.

you didn't read the first page? there was a gif for "the purge"

you didn't read the first page? there was a gif for "the purge"

To be brutally honest I really didn't, as I was more curious was to what people were saying as of right now. Thanks for the clarification though.

Someone should colonize that place, someone besides Spain, they have a history of making places that tend to do this.