Author Topic: OH NO!!! I AM LOST IN AOT AGAIN!!!  (Read 6103 times)

OH NO!!! i am lost in some where!
there are no trees no house,only hills only sea only river...
i lose many money for respawn...

Hope the next update with map is comming soon thx~


i get the hook,but how to get to the tree house?

There is no technical difference between the sea and the river. There is a fjord somewhere in the game, and it is fairly close to the starting area.
Here is an idea, run to the sea, then swim around the entire contenent until you see something you recognize.

There is no technical difference between the sea and the river. There is a fjord somewhere in the game, and it is fairly close to the starting area.
Here is an idea, run to the sea, then swim around the entire contenent until you see something you recognize.

i know that, but i see a place that the landfrom just like the port town, but no houses, i also can found the wood but no forest no house too,i tryed ride my horse run to the same direction for a long time, but only can see the no port town's port town.....>﹏<

You are in an area that looks like Port Town without the Town? You are hopelessly lost. You continued so far around the map that you are now in a repeating section. Commit Self Delete, there is no telling how far away you are, nor where you are, nor which way to go.

You are in an area that looks like Port Town without the Town? You are hopelessly lost. You continued so far around the map that you are now in a repeating section. Commit Self Delete, there is no telling how far away you are, nor where you are, nor which way to go.

i am back to port town without Self Delete!!!YEA!!!
i just follow the sun !!

Thats a good idea . . follow the sun . . .

Following the Sun whouldn't work because if you go left a little and not know you whould be even more stuffed

Following the Sun whouldn't work because if you go left a little and not know you whould be even more stuffed

but i really came back~HAHA~i am very lucky~^^

When ever i try to look at the sun it disapearse and will only show if i look a setian way.