Author Topic: Bedpost  (Read 8706 times)

Where have I bumped an old thread?

Nice opinion there.

Where have I whined about any specific poster? I don't hold any grudges on this forum. Sounds an awful lot like you're projecting here since this stuff came out of nowhere.

 i wasn't talking about you, like timestamp said, i was just using it as a secondary excuse.

i think he was using your quote as a secondary excuse of what theanimefan is making

not talking towards you

Oh stuff. In that case sorry. I'll admit I don't have the best reading comprehension.

vaporwave text makes your point less valid

/nosupport, you're the one at fault here

G O  T O   H E L L,   I M    A    K I D
oh boi he going nuclear

just leave the forgetin internet

a problem i think we as a community have is that we polarize newer users before they can get the hang of things, especially the younger ones. i dont know where to begin "fixing" this but calmly explaining why certain behaviors are frowned upon here is a good start, and patience until they start to "blend in" more would also help. now if they're immediately a problem user, doing lord tony level stuff right off the bat, that would be a different story. however i think this as an excusable rookie mistake at worst.

a more positive atmosphere would help the forums a lot too, but, baby steps.

The way you speak makes me want to drama you...

what the forget is this thread anyways.                                                                                                                                     btw /nosupport 

What thread is even this

G O  T O   H E L L,   I M    A    K I D

So I take it this thread is just memes, right?

TheAnimeFan, making dramas because somebody else made a valid drama about them since 2016

vaporwave text makes your point less valid
i posted a challenge a few years ago to only speak in sans script for a month. i half-expected everyone to get banned lol