Author Topic: World of Warcraft: Legion Megathread: Emerald Nightmare & Class Tuning  (Read 10287 times)

wtf chris metzen retired im very very mad

Demon Huntard beat me to an Ancient Mana shard last night, normally I ignore this because that can always happens and there's plenty of mana to go around.  But then, the roostery little stuff decided to /laugh and /spit on me over it.  Fun Fact, don't do this to a Fire Mage if you're on a PvP server, because he will be happy to pop every loving cooldown he has and melt your useless ass in seconds.

Did you /laugh and /spit on his corpse?

I /spit on him.  Gotta say, I've gotten really tired of Demon Hunters acting like stuffheads at every chance they get, always see one doing stuff like this, reminds me of the Douche Knight epidemic back when Wrath released.

I've used fire breath before just so I could get mana someone was already taking

How are you all enjoying Emerald Nightmare?

How are you all enjoying Emerald Nightmare?
i'm in it right now
so far i'm lovin it. each boss is actually fun
EDIT: got to cenarius and everyone is now calling it quits. pissed
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 05:04:40 AM by Unwritten Calender »

Full cleared normal last night. pretty cool

EDIT: got to cenarius and everyone is now calling it quits. pissed
Same happened to me, less than 1% hp left :(

I got to Xavius but didn't kill him, my guild isn't especially good at the whole not standing in stuff thing sometimes.
Hopefully tonight is different now that people have more gear and know what to do! Xavius was fun when I tried him

My guild is a small casual as forget guild, we occasionally attempt the raids once the next one comes out.  I've been wanting to try EN but that means PUGs.  I refuse to leave my current guild because the people are too awesome to abandon like that.  Feels bad man.

i resubbed to wow and holy stuff it's improved so much since i last played back in mists

ele shaman is so fun to play.

My guild is a small casual as forget guild, we occasionally attempt the raids once the next one comes out.  I've been wanting to try EN but that means PUGs.  I refuse to leave my current guild because the people are too awesome to abandon like that.  Feels bad man.
Do you play on Alliance US?
I'll happily tank for you :)
Moriarty#1353 if you do, and that goes for anyone
My characters are both 850 and there's not much I can't do in the ways of tanking healing or dpsing

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