Content Badspot ripped from other games to put in Blockland: the list

Author Topic: Content Badspot ripped from other games to put in Blockland: the list  (Read 5032 times)

kind of reminds me of that siren sound being in some submarine video

also curious where orch hit or whatever is from
i was about to say this

Anyone got a source for the /alarm sound?

i've heard orch hit in other things before, but I can't remember which specifically

Do you know what stock sounds are? I wouldn't say badspot ripped stuff from other games.

Do you know what stock sounds are? I wouldn't say badspot ripped stuff from other games.

i only use high quality rips

I think a bunch of the sound effects are from another royalty free cd.

Whoops not "ripped" I meant to say "rip off"
nahh. These are mostly royalty-free sounds like people in the thread have been saying. I hear the staff's blaster sound from Star Fox Adventures literally everywhere and I can't help but think of that game every time I hear the sound in television or on the radio lmao

Badspot didn't rip off anyone

if you check blockland v0002s sound folder there's even more unused royalty free sounds