Author Topic: I cant feel my mouth and im going to die ama  (Read 3181 times)

i got back from a cavity filling ama

which cavity
winky face

I will send my condolences to your wife.

where do you work
are you going to die
can you feel your mouth
can we ask you anything

where do you work
are you going to die
can you feel your mouth
can we ask you anything
i dont have a job

are you gonna brush your teeth every day now

are you a loving noddle boi

you're not alone, I can't feel anything anymore. I've died a couple times though, it's not that bad.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 05:57:22 PM by Frequency »

i have it on good authority that this makes you in prime condition for gobbling nobs

Did you bleed because you didn't floss

can i have you belongings