Author Topic: Laser Weapon Set 2.0  (Read 16532 times)

I'll draw up another list:

Blue-Sniper weapons
Teal-Heavy (excluding shotguns)
Thats exactly how it is already >.>

Color Key for the new set of weapons for those who may have missed it:
Red - Pistol (Con deagle por favor)
Orange - SMG (New chasis ftw)
Yellow - Shotgun (Yes, the thing with the barrel is, infact, a shotgun.
Green - Rifle (Based on absolutely nothing in particular)
Teal - Demolitions (Shoop da fukin whoop)
Blue - Snipers (yes I realise they are technically rifles but you will notice a significant differance between this and the green ones)
Purple - Misc (The return of everyones favorite Proto-16 along with a new nifty overpowered peice of kick-ass)

In case people were too blind to see that one, which is why I made my list. :P

Possible release date: August First for when my hosting site's bandwidth resets. The LSE1.3 release virtually killed all of my bandwidth for July.

Especially since it didn't have the fricking sounds.

Wait, there was a release this month? D:

I nominate my server for the video :D

Um.... LSE means Ladios's Slate Edits....

Oh, I didn't read that part :D

If it makes you feel better, neither did I. :cookieMonster:

Your taking a long time to do 2.0, considering the last release was only half there.

whats the percentage of your progress so far?