Author Topic: How do you take your pills?  (Read 2602 times)

if you do anything but take it with water you're a pusillanimous individual

if you do anything but take it with water you're a pusillanimous individual
ur a pusillanimous individual either way lmao

ur a pusillanimous individual either way lmao
lol LOL no u are idiot

I literally just swallow it, I have no problem with or without water.

Ranitidine is a small pill though, so I wouldn't know how anything else is.

-Insert bj joke here-

with or without water, whatever i feel like doing

i take both at once tho

swallow them without liquid (unless it's a really big pill, then with a drink)
you guys are loving pussies, there is nothing hard about this

I'm not allowed to chew/open my pills, and I take them with hot chocolate milk.

Penile. But seriously I just swallow without water.

are you supposed to chew up pills? it never occurred to me to me to even do that. surely it's more effective to just swallow it whole?

Swallow regularly, although for my estrogen I have to dissolve it under my tongue

I literally cannot swallow pills. Just can't. Either have to chew them, crush them or take a liquid.