Author Topic: Blockland crashes when starting a server  (Read 1086 times)

I am trying to make an island fort wars, but because of the server crashing, I cant. Can someone help me?

looks like your themes addon has lots of errors, but probably not causing the crashing
you're loading the static shape bedroom and earth, are you sure you need this for an island fort war?
it's attempting to load gamemode rampage and blockheads ruin xmas into your custom gamemode and then ignoring them

last thing loaded is event_targetevents, probably crashes on event_speeds

are you sure it actually crashes, and not just freezes for a bit while loading?

It crashes saying blockland.exe has crashed, also I didn't know I had static maps on

new console.log, turned off those mods in this one and it still crashed

also here is one with target events and speed events off

Remove System_ReturnToBlockland

Remove System_ReturnToBlockland
Am I able to reinstall it, but with something like greek2me's version?

Okay, it worked and I just got Blockland glass instead. Thanks viso!