Author Topic: Help building a new PC  (Read 2104 times)

Hey guys, im planning on building a gaming pc but I have no idea what I'm doing. Do you guys know any good guides and websites to buy parts?

Pcpartpicker is a great place to start, it has guides and you could make your own part list too.

wait until the prices have stabilized on the new gen cards

If you want something good, go with Intel when it comes to processors. If you want something cheap but gets the job done, go with AMD. You also won't need a heater this winter if you get an AMD processor.

My budget is around 900$. Is that low?

My budget is around 900$. Is that low?
Nah, that's a pretty decent price range

PM Niblic, he should be able to give you a full list for 900 or less

don't get an HDD from india

If you plan on using the Dolphin Emulator get an Intel CPU.

And use an Nvidia GPU.

If you need it now; don't bother. Wait for Zen to release, skylake just isn't worth it.

If you need it now; don't bother. Wait for Zen to release, skylake just isn't worth it.
very confused

very confused
skylake is what intel calls their 6000 series processors.
the next series will be the zen series
look them up yourself for more info, i don't know much myself

i have built my own pc though, and i used this guide to do it
this guide is great because it's uncut, so nothing is blown over in editing like in a lot of other videos. there is one part that has no footage though, you'll know when you get to it. he tries to explain what you're supposed to do without the footage when it happens.

definitely use pcpartpicker to pick your computer parts. pick your cpu and gpu first, then pick a motherboard. if you do it in that order, you should only be able to pick motherboards compatible with your selections. make sure you research the parts you're getting before finalizing anything. this means looking up benchmarks for your cpu/gpu, making sure your motherboard doesn't have any firmware problems, etc.
when you're selecting a power supply unit, make sure it's a bronze 80+ certified or better. PSU's without these certifications WILL fry your computer.
it's important in general to pick quality parts. better parts will obviously cost more, but you get what you pay for.
consider getting a solid state drive alongside a normal hard drive. SSD's are faster but cost a lot more than an HHD. they're best used for the OS and other important programs you want to boot up quickly.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 12:13:56 AM by auzman466 »

ok so before i generate ur build here are some questions

1. will you be using this PC for anything other than gaming? like editing or 3d production or something?

2. do you care about rebates?

3. do you need peripherals (mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc) or do you already have those?

4. do you need to connect to ur internet via wifi or will a wired connection work for you?