Author Topic: Jiggy - Forum suiciding, posting research  (Read 14609 times)

I don't even need to explain, just look at his posts (be warned: they have some pretty bad research). I'm not going to put links because I don't want to potentially get banned.
He is pulling a betel and seems to be making suicidal topics with research and crap in them. Rest in piece.

Jiggy has been banned on at least the following accounts:
  PretzelzBL - research spam / Self Delete
  Dezi - Negative attention seeking / being a douche in game
  Edjicated - In game spam / abuse / repeat offender

His opinion on subjects like this should be disregarded or mocked.  
I think this set it in motion

jesus christ. you are a problem just as must as he is.

please nobody drama him. just let him get banned and forgotten. attention is what they want

mczealot you aren't helping

ot: its not even GOOD research, its the crappy gay ass and dog-ass research. smh. jiggy has no taste for research tbh
/support he's pulling a betel

thats what happens when u drama a research fourm sudicider

jiggy could've atleast have gotten good research

jesus christ. you are a problem just as must as he is.

It serves more as a PSA for people to avoid him, besides even if we don't give him attention he'll just keep spamming till he's banned regardless so in this situation it really doesn't matter at all

look ok is it gay research or dog lewinskys
pick one cus im getting mixed signals

It serves more as a PSA for people to avoid him, besides even if we don't give him attention he'll just keep spamming till he's banned regardless so in this situation it really doesn't matter at all
Also, he seems to be trying to spam up this thread with more than 1 post worth of research apparently. Just use the blocker userscript to block his crap for now.

Hey Jiggy, you have autism

hell yeah gay research

forget yeah i love naked dudes