
How is salvation achieved?

Salvation is only for those of faith in a specific church that is the body of Christ.
Salvation is by faith alone, however genuine faith shows good works and/or repentance.
Salvation is by faith alone, and faith does not show and/or require works.
Salvation is by faith and good works.
Salvation is through faith and repentance only.
Salvation is achieved through other means.

Author Topic: Christianity Megathread  (Read 20487 times)

i would rather be religious because i have nothing to lose by being so

So basically you only do good deeds because you may get into heaven instead of doing what you want.

That's not being a good person as Christians believe, that's just pretending to be a good person so you get into heaven.

why do you have to be a loving cunt like 100% of the time
Well At Least I'm Not A Cucking Funt Lmaoo

So basically you only do good deeds because you may get into heaven instead of doing what you want.
what if you want to do good deeds

-leviticus and deuteronomy-
Note that everything you just wrote are laws from the Hebrew Scriptures. The thing about Christianity is you only need to listen to things from the Christian-Greek scriptures.

cherry-picking. if you don't like half your religion, maybe you should reconsider your religion
except he's right. jesus kind of came and gave the christians a new covenant to follow, which is what... christians follow.... the things calender shared aren't what christians believe, they're just in the bible.

mankind was strictly vegetarian according to genesis, but i know many christians who love a good barbecue. the word of god was rewritten a ton through the bible. that's kind of the point

cherry-picking. if you don't like half your religion, maybe you should reconsider your religion
Except it's not cherry picking. If you actually understood what happened, you would realize that the Old Testament was setting Israel apart from other nations. At the time it was necessary. One of the main aspects of Jesus' death and resurrection is that we are no longer tied to the old Law (hence why Jews who do not believe that Jesus was the Son of God still follow many of the Old Testament practices). So any of those quotes you see from the Old Testament it no longer applies to us. And if God were to do the same thing over again in our time, I cannot imagine that the same things would apply, because they would not be appropiate in this time. Obviously I cannot say what God would or would not do, of course...
i would rather be religious because i have nothing to lose by being so
While this is true, you should look at your reasons for being "religious" if they're motivated simply by that.

While this is true, you should look at your reasons for being "religious" if they're motivated simply by that.
i do believe in my religion, my point is that by my logic it makes sense to be religious

i do believe in my religion, my point is that by my logic it makes sense to be religious
That is good to hear. And you're right.

I just said that because if someone's main reason for saying they believe something is "I have nothing to lose" then you have to wonder if they really believe.

You forgot to put "autist" in the poll

i would rather be religious because i have nothing to lose by being so

So basically you only do good deeds because you may get into heaven instead of doing what you want.

That's not being a good person as Christians believe, that's just pretending to be a good person so you get into heaven.

It is better to forsake the pleasures of the temporal life in the material universe for Christ's sake to gain an eternity in Heaven, than to enjoy the temporal pleasures in the material world and spend eternity in death and hell.
I don't intend this as a judgement, but rather a truth.

“He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.” [John 12:25]

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” [Matthew 10:39]

i'm not religious but i believe in god and i believe that jesus died on the cross for us. i just don't follow a lot of things from the bible so i avoid calling myself religious

i'm not religious but i believe in god and i believe that jesus died on the cross for us.

I believe a man name Jesus was crucified but never came back to life.

For all we know it was a hobo that claimed to be the son of god and when they stuffed him in the cave the body was gone because a bear probably ate the corpse.

i just don't follow a lot of things from the bible so i avoid calling myself religious

History books are written by the victor, for all we know the bible is 100% false.

The bible was word of mouth for 500 years until it was finally written. It has also been revised many times and copied down manually by priests whom could have forged their own stories into the book.

cherry-picking. if you don't like half your religion, maybe you should reconsider your religion
It's not cherry-picking. Jesus' sacrifice erased the need for the Mosaic Law.

Nihilism is the only thing that makes sense.

Vapid materialism is the way to go duder. We all know your into that stuff since you treat No Mans Sky like your god.

Vapid materialism is the way to go duder. We all know your into that stuff since you treat No Mans Sky like your god.

I'm actually mad by the fact when I die people will throw my stuff in the trash or a goodwill store.

If I could I would keep it all like the egyptians.

Along with nihilism I would have a pyramid for all my stuff.