Author Topic: McJob's anger issues.  (Read 9096 times)

thats just the normal aussie way of speaking

thats just the normal aussie way of speaking
just like every in doughboys land sounds loving goofy

just like every in doughboys land sounds loving goofy
wot u sayin blad u wan get glassed fam

wot u sayin blad u wan get glassed fam
speak american you commie

how awfully hardcoded it was.
what is that even supposed to mean

Gonna need a source on this. I don't remember the conversation, and as far as I remember I've always been in the "LEGO Island 2 is stuff" camp. I've been lucky enough to be a in group full of people who extracted files to demonstrate just how stuff it is.
I think I was just generally stating in a topic that Lego Island 2 is hilariously poorly made and linked a thread on Rock raiders united which shows why. You thought I was directly talking to you, so you flipped stuff because you also browse the forum and it was a waste to link it or something along those lines.

I do remember your name as somebody I thoroughly dislike though, so it's entirely possible I called you out simply because of some grudge which I can barely remember how it started.
Nothing more pathetic than one sided rivalry.

This is my second account
Someone like Conan or Dooble told me that you had "come back" several times, so I figured that was on separate accounts. My mistake.

I made a stupid joke post in a drama and then told somebody off without supplying reasons why I was angry at them, which was definitely a mistake. I now always supply information on exactly why I think a person is wrong, and if I don't, it's probably because the post is intended to be a joke post.
"Everything I say is satire lol".

Firstly, sending private messages like this, before I get the ability to respond to this topic, is a pretty lowbrow thing to do. Say it publicly so I can have a bit of fun humiliating you.
You've had the ability to respond as long as I have. I don't see anything lowbrow about me not publicly criticizing you except that I forgot to give you advice on how to improve yourself. Closing your eyes and counting to ten comes first, learning to ignore things that annoy you is second.

Secondly, these aren't "temper tantrums". I'm sorry that you're not used to people who say things exactly as they are. I like to add my "angry personality", jokes and crafty insults to my post to liven them up a bit and make them more interesting to read, but if you take all that icing away, the actual cake/bulk of my post will usually be a pretty serious discussion on why I think you're wrong.
You say that I'm not used to people stating things as they are, but then you admit that your angry starfish attitude is an unnecessary additive.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you spent the time you spend writing "crafty insults" into improving yourself? Have you ever thought about actually being nice to people? A calm environment will definitely inspire a lot more valuable and interesting discussion than sarcastic slap fighting ever will. The issue I have with you in terms of pretending to be handicapped is that behavior will only attract more starfishs or cause more people from the social gutter to be starfishs, because its become the easiest way to get attention.

I don't make posts because of some notion that I crave people telling me I'm right. If that was the case, I'd only post in the tech support threads where I actually have hard facts and information and I write in my actual, pretty serious tone. I post because I have opinions that I'd like to voice. Whether other people read them or not is irrelevant; it's just enough for me to get it out in public. I try not to act pretentious or above my station, because I have done stupid things and there's many things that I'm an idiot regarding (such as maths or basic grammar). If you've read my posts as though I have, then I'm really sorry that you haven't got your reading glasses on correctly.
You state earlier that you consciously try to "spice up" your posts to humor the people that read them, but then you say you don't crave attention.

There's no point of having a forum if people aren't allow to share their opinions. Opinions can be positive, negative or neutral. I happen to be fairly cynical about a lot of things, hence why I usually share negative opinions. If you actually talked to me in a chat such as the various Discords, you might find that I can be a pretty positive, relaxed guy most of the time.
I've never tried to silence your opinions or stop you from speaking your mind, I've only been critical of the tone and the way that you express them, because unnecessarily hostile towards people. As I said earlier, a hostile environment is not going to inspire interesting discussion as you think it does. People will only wallow in drama and nothing good is born out of that except methods to prevent drama.

It doesn't matter how many dollars you've donated to amnesty international if you still act like a richard here. What matters here is how you act here. Not how you act elsewhere.

what is that even supposed to mean
What I mean is that the way how Lego Island 2 has been structured is incredibly unflexible. It's also very poorly optimized, so it does a lot of calculations when the same could have easily been achieved with less.

"Everything I say is satire lol".
i don't think that's what he was saying there at all

"Everything I say is satire lol".
if you looked at the bans and the context behind what he said to get him banned you can clearly it's satire

how to tony
step 1
drama somebody
step 2
wait for somebody to also mutually dislike the person
step 3
make them fight
step 4
jerk off

if you looked at the bans and the context behind what he said to get him banned you can clearly it's satire
Now you're just questioning Badspot's judgement.

Now you're just questioning Badspot's judgement.
no i'm not i'm telling you that badspot doesn't feel like reading 70 pages of context before he bans someone for a "leaving post"

rednakin the longer you go on the stupider you're gonna look especially due to the fact that this is a tony thread

I've never tried to silence your opinions or stop you from speaking your mind, I've only been critical of the tone and the way that you express them, because unnecessarily hostile towards people. As I said earlier, a hostile environment is not going to inspire interesting discussion as you think it does. People will only wallow in drama and nothing good is born out of that except methods to prevent drama.

do you seriously think that mcjobless is hostile all day and night and is always hostile to other people no matter if it's sarcasm or real in real life?

i think of him as an explicitly honest person, hostile has a strong meaning to that word just as similar to 'hate' is, and mcjobless is none of these

he may pull up a few funnies that sometimes involve in hostility but who else loving doesn't?