Author Topic: Found big spider  (Read 2141 times)

I was trimming some vines down around my house today and encountered likely the largest spider I've ever seen in the wild (I live in Missouri, we don't typically have tarantulas). Known as the Black and Yellow Garden Spider (pretty creative name), the one I found, including the legs, was about 3-4 inches long (I used a tape measure, inaccurately). It was sitting in the middle of a textbook perfect orb web with little squiggles (stabilimentum) in it:

Quote from: link
with a dense zigzag of silk, known as a stabilimentum, in the center. The purpose of the stabilimentum is disputed. It is possible that it acts as camouflage for the spider lurking in the web's center, but it may also attract insect prey, or even warn birds of the presence of the otherwise difficult-to-see web. Only those spiders that are active during the day construct stabilimenta in their webs

Because I was so genuinely curious and wanted to look closer, I kind of wanted to catch it to see it closer, so I went in my garage to get a box. However, as I approached the spider, it started freaking out and shaking its web back and forth at me. Not wanting to hurt the spider or mess up its web trying to catch it while moving, I decided to leave it alone.

Quote from: link
The yellow garden spider can oscillate her web vigorously while she remains firmly attached in the center.[7] This action might prevent predators like wasps and birds from drawing a good bead, and also to fully entangle an insect before it cuts itself loose

Apparently the spider also eats its web at night and makes a new one the next day, so I'm going to check up on that.

I remember the day the forums found a giant spader.

Crush it

I don't crush things once they reach a certain size. Once something is more than about an inch long, I don't crush them.

In the basement honey

tame it
breed it
conquer the world with your army of superspiders

Arachnophobia is loving stupid. Spiders can't hurt you unless they have deadly venom, and the ones that do you've definitely heard about by now. This spider has venom the same as that of a bee, redness and swelling will occur, and it's not even hostile.

Arachnophobia is loving stupid. Spiders can't hurt you unless they have deadly venom, and the ones that do you've definitely heard about by now. This spider has venom the same as that of a bee, redness and swelling will occur, and it's not even hostile.

but spiders are just so creepy tho

Arachnophobia is loving stupid. Spiders can't hurt you unless they have deadly venom, and the ones that do you've definitely heard about by now. This spider has venom the same as that of a bee, redness and swelling will occur, and it's not even hostile.

Didn't say I was scared of it unless you are referring to someone else. I just decided to leave it alone because it kept shaking and moving and I didn't wanna drop it or wreck its web.

Arachnophobia is loving stupid. Spiders can't hurt you unless they have deadly venom, and the ones that do you've definitely heard about by now. This spider has venom the same as that of a bee, redness and swelling will occur, and it's not even hostile.
why the heckie do you think a phobia is defined as "an irrational fear"

Arachnophobia is loving stupid. Spiders can't hurt you unless they have deadly venom, and the ones that do you've definitely heard about by now. This spider has venom the same as that of a bee, redness and swelling will occur, and it's not even hostile.
ok? doesn't mean people want to be bitten, not that xr-7 even said he cares about spiders here either

perfectly rational to have that fear, we're born with it

Arachnophobia is loving stupid. Spiders can't hurt you unless they have deadly venom

They leave nasty bites that require anti biotics.

This spider has venom the same as that of a bee, redness and swelling will occur, and it's not even hostile.

I never heard of bee venom that will loving melt your flesh off like spider venom.

Have you seen spider venom bites? Your flesh will dissolve to the bone.