Author Topic: Fan Shield  (Read 7400 times)

inspired by how in starfox you can barrel roll to deflect projectiles

just hold the button down to have it whirl and deflect incoming nearby projectiles

also it pushes anyone up close to you like a pushbroom

its like a fan so its the fan shield

also comes with the other shield. instead its more like an airplane propeller and makes you fly

cool model caringly made by Khain

this really blows me away

This looks like its gonna blow during a fight.

I am certainly not a fan of this item idea.

I almost want it to have the sounds of the airboat from hl2.  Like with it starting up and then revving and zooming away.

roflcopter engage

credit to me to help you make code unless you didnt use what i helped you with

credit to me to help you make code unless you didnt use what i helped you with
apologies i did not my attempts to make it work failed

no it's not fight fight fight
find out who has the most fans

i am a fan of this addon

Make a shield out of my Harvest fans.

Make a shield out of my Harvest fans.
but that would be the world's smallest and most impractical shield silly
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 04:38:27 PM by gr8dayseth »

Now make it throwable.

this is a pretty cool spin on a normal shield

I noticed the shield blades are made out of sword blades that are more triangular in shape.

Make a shield out of my Harvest fans.
You seriously want a shield made out of fish food and worms that badly?