Author Topic: things that tick you off [not traffic edition]  (Read 9538 times)


when 2 groups are arguing something, there always seems to be that random guy who comes in and says something like "lol ur both dumb!! xD" and it just makes them look like they're trying to act all high above everything by not being involved in the debate, even if the debate is actually intelligent
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 02:06:47 AM by Lego lad »

when people cant yeah boy for more than a minute

ot: people sitting on the fence slinging stuff really piss me off
take a side, make a side, or leave

Kids who act like pretentious know-it-all forget heads
Parents when they argue (they haven't done it in like a month now tho yay)
Having a non-gaming pc currently (I will next summer :D)
Kids walking super slow / shoving people around in the halls


when only one side of my headphones work

the entire concept of "memes"
people who deny basic scientific facts (see: creationists, climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, etc)

people who deny basic scientific facts (see: creationists, climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, etc)

when people cant yeah boy for more than a minute

ot: people sitting on the fence slinging stuff really piss me off
take a side, make a side, or leave
What if your side is on the fence???
People who go into a debate thread, take a side, but don't make any arguments, just "witty" remarks, and reactions gifs/images, to anybody arguing against their side.

people that aren't cool

thats all to say

when only one side of my headphones work
Even worse when it somewhat works, but the slightest movement makes it cut out. Giving you the false hope that you can get it to work, only to irritate you for an extended period of time.

when people generalize an entire population, for example today my gov teacher said america wouldn't make better relations with mexico because "america is tribal", like, I guess you could say everyone is at least a little judgemental or prejudice inside, but to call an entire country tribal is silly

the entire concept of "memes"
people who deny basic scientific facts (see: creationists, climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, etc)
u wan go m8

ot: people sitting on the fence slinging stuff really piss me off
take a side, make a side, or leave
i can kinda get with this, like, why are you here if you are in the middle

although sometimes maybe its cuz they see both sides have right and wrongs and they dont fully agree with either, but at that point they might as well make their own side with whatever they see as right in it

look at me here i go being in the middle of ur statement rip

the entire concept of "memes"
delete this

this one kid on our bus named David just plays Pokemon go all day and every time he catches a Pokemon he vocalizes it to the entire bus , it's pretty annoying and nobody on the bus actually likes him

man im on a roll today

when both sides on an argument claim to have proof, one that denies something, while the other side claims to have proof that validates that something

like, proof doesn't go two ways, why cant one person just admit they're wrong and get with whats real

example: global warming, ive heard both sides claim proof of it existing/not existing and now i just avoid the subject cause its gotten stale for me

people who deny basic scientific facts (see: creationists)
people who (attempt to) deny others their right to their own beliefs

prepare to get absolutely destroyed resonte
people that aren't cool

thats all to say
so u h8 urself???