
Should this be allowed

8 (9.5%)
76 (90.5%)

Total Members Voted: 84

Author Topic: Child aged four becomes the youngest in Australia to do a gender swap  (Read 3100 times)

they're going through with it? he's way too young

the boy's only four, why do they do this?

Normally I wouldn't give less of a toss, but this is just downright disgusting. Most kids that age don't even understand the concept of love/gender.

forget the parents. Their kid should be taken away and given to some responsible adults who aren't mentally challenged.

Normally I wouldn't give less of a toss, but this is just downright disgusting. Most kids that age don't even understand the concept of love/gender.

forget the parents. Their kid should be taken away and given to some responsible adults who aren't mentally challenged.

Out of curiosity what age would you consider this to be acceptable?

Out of curiosity what age would you consider this to be acceptable?
Age of consent MAYBE, but I'd be more comfortable with 21 given that's the standard for most things.

Age of consent MAYBE, but I'd be more comfortable with 21 given that's the standard for most things.

Would make more sense since this is a life changing operation where a large amount of people who have transitioned have committed Self Delete.

you should add a "are you really surprised at this point?" poll

you should add a "are you really surprised at this point?" poll

The rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper. Don't be surprised when you're considered a bigot for not being tolerant towards child enthusiasts.

welcome to the new ages boys and girls

The forget lol? Are they going to let that 4 year old get a tattoo of their favorite cartoon pony? That's basically the amount of logic behind this bullstuff. Amazing how SJW morons are going to celebrate this stuff as a positive thing but 20 years down the line when the kid shoots himself in the face with a shotgun in some dark parking lot, they'll be nowhere to be found. Funny.

We need a proper quarantine of this brain virus.

Yes because it worked out so well for David Reimer...
I'm not defending the practice, but David Reimer's case is a very unfair comparison.
Reimer had no choice at all in the gender reassignment, as they were brought up as a girl from birth. There was no reason to even believe that Reimer was gender dysmorphic or would ever become so.
Reimer also underwent continuous medical examinations while growing up, which may have further confused Reimer and negatively affected his mental health.
Reimers discovery of their transgenderism wasn't until they were in their teens either, when Reimer was undergoing what amount of puberty they underwent. That's an awful time to learn you've been lied to your entire life in some twisted experiment.
Reimer also discovered that they weren't who they thought they were at a period of time where transgenderism was practically unheard of in the West and there was very little support for transgender individuals. One of the only transgender people Reimer met was a prostitute.

All of this weighed up, I think it's very clear that the odds were always stacked highly against Reimers mental health.
They had no choice in the matter, even if they would only regret it. They had an entirely unnatural upbringing. They were unfortunately born in a time with significantly less mental health support, and little to no support for transgender people (whether consentually transgender or not).

I think it's unfair to assume that a person without all these extra challenges will definitely come to take their own life as Reimer did.

All that said, I absolutely do not agree with performing/giving any transgender surgeries or medicines to minors.
There is no way a minor, particularly one who is pre-pubescent, or only just started puberty, to know exactly how they feel about their gender and identity to the extent that they can make a lifelong decision they will always be happy with.

Letting a young child dress in clothes usually reserved for the opposite gender is fine. Kids will play and experiment, but it doesn't mean they definitely want to permanently change their bodies.

I'm not defending the practice, but David Reimer's case is a very unfair comparison.
Reimer had no choice at all in the gender reassignment, as they were brought up as a girl from birth. There was no reason to even believe that Reimer was gender dysmorphic or would ever become so.
Reimer also underwent continuous medical examinations while growing up, which may have further confused Reimer and negatively affected his mental health.
Reimers discovery of their transgenderism wasn't until they were in their teens either, when Reimer was undergoing what amount of puberty they underwent. That's an awful time to learn you've been lied to your entire life in some twisted experiment.
Reimer also discovered that they weren't who they thought they were at a period of time where transgenderism was practically unheard of in the West and there was very little support for transgender individuals. One of the only transgender people Reimer met was a prostitute.

All of this weighed up, I think it's very clear that the odds were always stacked highly against Reimers mental health.
They had no choice in the matter, even if they would only regret it. They had an entirely unnatural upbringing. They were unfortunately born in a time with significantly less mental health support, and little to no support for transgender people (whether consentually transgender or not).

I think it's unfair to assume that a person without all these extra challenges will definitely come to take their own life as Reimer did.

Fair enough. 37% of transloveual youth have attempted Self Delete within the last year though, and the Self Delete rate in general is much higher then with normal people. http://saravyc.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2015/05/SARAVYC_Trans-Youth-Health-Report_EN_Final_Print.pdf#page=44

yes most people who are tranloveual have some sort of depression/anxiety/problems last i checked

either that, or every kid at my school is unique

also if they want to do it then why does anyone give a stuff

Considering how prevalent depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies are in the transgender community, this kid is being set up to fail. Four-year-olds don't quite grasp self-identity so it's not like whoever this kid is decided to themself that they're not the gender they were born as. I can assure you this was cultivated.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 04:39:24 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

i'm fine with people changing their gender if they have been diagnosed with gender identity disorder, but 4 years old is too young to make such a life changing choice.