
whats the spookiest halloween costume

slutty cat

Author Topic: forum survey: whats the spookiest halloween  (Read 11692 times)

Which wich is better you're all wrong if you think otherwise
this is a very true statement

Half life. I hate TF2
« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 03:48:48 AM by cooolguy32 »

It was going to be CSGO but since valve only cares about money, I chose portal

the game where all the mercs are still learning to have better insults/comebacks

probably either portal or left 4 dead
in terms of play time it would be team fortress by a long shot but eh overwatch really replaced it for me and i just don't care for it anymore

portal by far
valve baby im still countin on you for the 3 dont forget this up for me

Portal was one of the most memorable games I've ever played. Virtually everything about it was fantastic, in my opinion.

defo portal, esp. portal 2. they're just good-ass games. well-constructed and well-designed.

oh wait didn't notice the topic change
uh portal by far, despite having never played portal 2

portal or counter strike

portal all the way fammalama

portal ricochet all the way fammalama
fixed that for you buddy

Team Fortress because blowing people up is easier than portal puzzles