Author Topic: birthday boy  (Read 671 times)


its my birth d tomorrow but im about to go to a bar and imgonna be too dead tomorrow to post this so post it 1 day in advance
im 19 tomrorow !! ! !

WOO! i hate aging but the celebration that comes with it is nice


wait your only 18? wowe what a lil baby

and imgonna be too dead tomorrow to post this
are u gonna come back from the dead after

im 6 days older than you suck my richard

im 6 days older than you suck my richard

record it and post it here

are u gonna come back from the dead after
thats my usual ritual

btw my birthday gift from NS was that my train cancelled so im here in an empty station for 30 min

im gonna take some shots that are on fire wish me luck

careful they might be a little warm

careful they might be a little warm
no they're not, blue means cold dummy

AAAAAA! it was a good night!

My beautiful birthday boy