my school is pretty neat, and they've recently made some new additions to it (so it looks really brand new)
food is more or less 'eh' since they're trying to cut down on the "obesity problem" here (frankly, everyone here is a loving stick except for maybe like 5 people i've seen so far in school), but it doesn't make you cringe or anything
they let us use the phones any time (unless the teacher says otherwise, in which case, most of the time i'm perfectly able to use the phone and play games after i'm done with my work) in classrooms or hallways
takes quite a while for 1st block to start so plenty of time to meet up with friends so i can chat with them before 1st block starts
we're getting laptops soon
there's a magnet school nearby and it's really good over there, new and fancy (i go there for PAP English and Art, so, 10/10)
all in all, pretty good
... except for the fact it's loving HUGE
i have to run across the school 1-2 times to get to some classes
and this is all a high school, too