Author Topic: Lord tony | Definition of twat  (Read 24803 times)

Well, I'll do my part and never talk to him or about him openly ever again.
Maybe I'll add a small caveat: I will only ignore Lord Tony's posts if he is engaging in poor behavior. It's like Pavlov's dog, but with an attention whore instead.

Plot twist: they're the same person
This would be hilarious because I have a ton of dirt on Aqollo.

The thread was more of a thread about people's disposition towards the game than a thread about the game itself. I'd say this "support" thread was actually not a bad idea because it inspired people to discuss the good things about the game rather than rambling on about its flaws.

Well, the original megathread got labelled "Biggest Dissapointment of 2016?" and I heard a lot about developers making plenty of promises about the game but lying and delivering little of what was promised in the kickstarter. So I found that a mod (Darkened Skies, as far as I know) made the game look way better, and that otherwise the game is irredeemable overhyped mediocrity.

TL;DR: I heard the game has no redeemable properties for any support.

Only because the original thread just turned into a circle jerk of hating on the game.

Then I suppose it's fairly reasonable.

i dont believe in megathreads. forget them.
if a topic dosnt cover the discussion you want to have, then make another one.


i dont believe in megathreads. forget them.
if a topic dosnt cover the discussion you want to have, then make another one.
Makes sense to me.

Well, I'll do my part and never talk to him or about him openly ever again.

Good for you cupcake, just don't get mad when nobody else goes along with it

i dont believe in megathreads. forget them.
if a topic dosnt cover the discussion you want to have, then make another one.
But then we'd have people complaining about a bunch of threads about a fandom/game/tv show

Twat hasn't been relevant since the 90s and is not American slang.

Tony you're such an ankle biter

Can we get this thread #Locked?

He doesn't give a spit

I started this avatar meme. Why does everyone only start with pie crust and not me.

Twat hasn't been relevant since the 90s and is not American slang.

compiled from google books