This tricorder will let you know just about all you need to know about anything you're looking at. I'm not completely sure what use this has in Blockland, but I think people could potentially use it for something creative. Features an amazingly detailed item model made by Aware, which is an almost direct replica of the prop used in Star Trek!
Can scan and show detailed information about the following things:
- Bricks
- Players
- Bots
- Vehicles
- Spawned/on the ground items
- And more!
Known issues:
- Players and items can't be detected from some angles (engine bug?)
- Some tools are wrongly classified as weapons or vice versa (please let me know if you find a tool/weapon like this!)
$pref::server::tricorder::displayBrickPacks | Default true. Whether or not to display what brick pack a brick is from. |
$pref::server::tricorder::displayHealthValues | Default true. Whether of not to display health values. |
$pref::server::tricorder::displayDangerNotification | Default true. Whether or not to display warnings when scanning hostile entities or dangerous items. |


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