The Love Pool

Author Topic: The Love Pool  (Read 1937 times)

I was bored so I made this


Blood Bath?  :cookieMonster:
No its red for love. <3
I dunno... looks a little bit like bloodshed occured.

Looks like you have a love bath murder on your hands, a bloody murder :O

you need to make only the first two down decollisioned then lay down and act dead lol

you need to make only the first two down decollisioned then lay down and act dead lol

I belive that he made the water with 12x2x5's so that would not work at all.

Also those are still lasers not hearts...

you should really make it more do you get out of the newbie state <cries

you should really make it more do you get out of the newbie state <cries

Awesome build o' love, and U.F.O just make more posts, and I hope the avatar message helps, I replied to you.

those custom particles go with the build :o  are they custom??!!

those custom particles go with the build :o  are they custom??!!
No, it's LaserA when done on a brick bigger than 1x1.

Not much...2/5

Massive bloodbath. Should have made it pink.