Author Topic: Rainy Days - Captured  (Read 5394 times)

Welcome to Rainy Days
Rainy Days is a G-Mod forum game about the protagonist, alcoholic, and full-time bum Ali Weber, a 26 year old man who has recently been sent a package. He doesn't know is can of worms that can never be shut is about to open up. Will you find out what happens next?

Combat will have a rolling system similar to many other forum games, there will be 6 tiers of damage and items will have a description to label how much damage they do on roll.

  • 1: Failure
    You tried your best, but clearly your best wasn't enough. Usually a 1 results in completely missing, or with some weapons, hurting yourself.
  • 2: Mediocre
    You hit your target, but you didn't manage to do too much. It isn't good but it isn't terrible.
  • 3: Okay
    The exact middle, average and nothing special to it.
  • 4: Decent
    You've done a good amount of damage above average, but you can do better than that.
  • 5: Great
    A step below the best but better than most, your aim was almost on point and you did quite well.
  • 6: Amazing
    Perfect accuracy and a complete wipe out to your enemies, this is the highest you can go.

As mentioned earlier, items will have descriptions to tell you how much damage they do on roll. They always do an exact amount determined by your roll number and do not change. Here is an example.

   Standard Pistol
Ammo: 10/12 Rounds
Weapon Type: Ranged
Size: 2 Units
Status Effects: None
  • 1: -0 HP on hit
  • 2: -2 HP on hit
  • 3: -6 HP on hit
  • 4: -8 HP on hit
  • 5: -12 HP on hit
  • 6: -18 HP on hit

Your character has needs to survive that need to be fulfilled. These include HP as seen earlier as well as Hunger and Thirst. If any of these drop to 0, you will die (excluding sleep, you'll just fall asleep). HP is depleted by being damaged while Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep deplete over time.

To increase your HP (also known as healing) you can use medical items, to increase your Hunger and Thirst, you will have to consume items related to those stats such as Bread or Bottled Water.

Status Effects are from doing certain actions, for example, breaking a leg will have you walk slower. There will be more info on these once the forum game progresses.

Here is what your stats look like.

HP: 97/100
Hunger: 65/100
Thirst: 86/100
Sleep: 96/100
Status Effects: None

You've probably noticed earlier that the Standard Pistol item has a size, listed as 2 Units. This is for storage reasons as you can keep only a certain amount of items on hand or in a container such as a backpack or crate.

To measure max capacity, we use Units. So if you had 8 Units of items on you and your max Units in your inventory was 9, you couldn't pick up the Standard Pistol without equipping something such as a backpack first.

Here is an example of your inventory.

Inventory (5.00001/10 Units):
  • Standard Pistol (2 Units)
  • Water Bottle (1 Unit) (+10 Thirst)
  • Briefcase (2 Units) (2/6 Units) (Carries: Water Bottle (1 Unit) (+10 Thirst), Notebook (1 Unit)
  • ¢1 (0.00001 Units)

Money makes the world go round, and in Rainy Days it's no different. You can earn money by doing jobs or favors as well as mugging people or looting it off their dead corpses. Money can be used to buy things from shops or dealers, bribe other people, or just to show off how rich you are. There is a gas station right by your house, that might be a good place to shop from.

Here is an example of a store.

  • Water Bottle ($1) (1 Unit) (+10 Thirst)
  • Bread ($2) (2 Units) (+20 Hunger)
  • Nothing

End of Basics
Now that you know pretty much everything you need to know about Rainy Days, you can play. If you feel like I left something important out or you want a feature added, please message me and I will consider it.

Beginning post will be made shortly, just hold on.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 05:05:48 PM by Eon »

Rise and shine, Ali. Today is a new day.

The place seems a bit trashed, might want to tidy up a bit.

There is a package laying in wait for you outside, it seems important.

HP: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Sleep: 100/100
Status Effects: None

Inventory (0.1/10 Units):
  • $100 (0.1 Units)

Information and Surroundings:
Time: You do not have a watch, it's about dawn.
Temperature: There is no thermometer close by, it's fairly chilly outside though.

There is most likely food and drink in the fridge, if you need it.
The trash is tipped over, if you really wanted to, you could look through it.
There is a package outside, waiting to be opened.
An empty milk carton is sitting on the couch, you can grab it and store liquid.
There is a Petrol down the way from your house, essentials can be bought there.
An expansive city lays behind your house. It's a long walk from here and you might need a car.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 11:51:56 PM by Eon »

jack off and leave

go do your thing and open packege
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 11:34:54 PM by Timestamp »

after opening package, search the darn fridge

Added sleep, you now have to sleep in a cozy bed (or if you want on the cold floor) to maximize your abilities.

Grab carton

And then find a box of "Memeos Delicious Corn Flake Cereal" on the shelf to go with your carton of [insert liquid here].

go do your thing and open packege

You open the package and see a note, you put it in your inventory. You should read it some time.

after opening package, search the darn fridge

You see only a can of soda in the fridge, you grab it and put it in your inventory.

Grab carton

You take the empty milk carton off the couch and put it in your inventory, you can use it later.

And then find a box of "Memeos Delicious Corn Flake Cereal" on the shelf to go with your carton of [insert liquid here].

The carton is empty and you lack cereal.

HP: 100/100
Hunger: 98/100
Thirst: 98/100
Sleep: 98/100
Status Effects: None

Inventory (0.8/10 Units):
  • $100 (0.1 Units)
  • Soda (0.3 Units) (+5 Thirst)
  • Empty Milk Carton (0.3 Units) (0/4 Liquid Units)
  • Important Note (0.1 Units)

Information and Surroundings:
Time: You do not have a watch, it's about dawn.
Temperature: There is no thermometer close by, it's fairly chilly outside though.

The trash is tipped over, if you really wanted to, you could look through it.
There is a Petrol down the way from your house, essentials can be bought there.
An expansive city lays behind your house. It's a long walk from here and you might need a car.
You have an important note, it would be best to read it.

wtf are you waiting for read it

Rip apart the milk carton and store it in your ass