Author Topic: Rainy Days - Captured  (Read 5310 times)

Look through trash and head to the petrol station after

wtf are you waiting for read it

The paper reads:

   Addressed to: Ali Weber
   From: Jake Price

  Hey Ali, it's me, Jake. I was wondering if you could loan me some money really quick. You see, I'm in a big pickle right now with the mafia on my ass for some cash, and I was thinking since we're friends and friends do things for each other, that you can give me about $5,000 dollars. I'll pay you back if you do, I promise. If you don't have the money, at least just stop by for a visit and maybe we can work something out, I'm bunking at the old warehouse downtown right now.

   Sincerely, Jake

Eat the note

You try to eat the note, but you spit it out because it tastes like dirt, old box, and a hint of urine. You decide you aren't hungry.

Look through trash and head to the petrol station after

It's hard to make out, but among the crumpled pieces of paper as well as some empty soda and beer cans you find... a knife!? You decide to take that.

Heading to the Petrol, you see a homeless bum, a security guard, and a man trying to pump gas in his car by the entrance. You walk inside.

The cashier grumpily says "May I help you, sir?"

  • Water Bottle ($1) (0.3 Units) (+5 Thirst)
  • Watch ($15) (0.1 Units) (Tells the time)
  • Beer Bottle (¢95) (0.3 Units) (+6 Thirst, possible addiction side effects)
  • Gas ($2.45/Gallon) (You require a car to purchase this item)
  • Nothing

HP: 100/100
Hunger: 96/100
Thirst: 96/100
Sleep: 96/100
Status Effects: None

Inventory (0.8/10 Units):
  • $100 (0.1 Units)
  • Soda (0.3 Units) (+5 Thirst)
  • Empty Milk Carton (0.3 Units) (0/4 Liquid Units)
  • Important Note (0.1 Units)
  • Knife (0.2 Units)

Information and Surroundings:
Time: You do not have a watch, it's about dawn.
Temperature: There is no thermometer close by, it's fairly chilly outside though.

Your friend Jake needs help. It would be best to at least visit him.
You can rob the Petrol for extra cash, but you will not be able to buy anything from it if you do.
An expansive city lays behind your house. It's a long walk from here and you might need a car.
The place Jake is at is in the city, you need a car to travel there without wasting large amounts of time.
Buying a watch is recommended, you can tell the time with it.

Ammo: Doesn't use ammo
Weapon Type: Melee
Size: 0.2 Units
Status Effects: None
  • 1: -0 HP on hit
  • 2: -2 HP on hit
  • 3: -4 HP on hit
  • 4: -6 HP on hit
  • 5: -8 HP on hit
  • 6: -22 HP on hit
To display the stats of the Knife again, you can always ask.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 02:43:42 PM by Eon »

eat the bottle so you get crunchy beer


Ask the cashier for money in exchange for a "favor" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

tap into those thoughts that you've been ignoring and do one of them

buy a soda beer

You pay the 95 cents for the beer.

Ask the cashier for money in exchange for a "favor" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The cashier grins. "Come around back, it's a deal."

You are rewarded 500 dollars for your... services.


You walk outside and see the man pumping gas into his car.

"What do you need, sir?"

You stab him in the chest, you have rolled a 3. You didn't kill him but it was enough time to distract him and steal his car. You begin to drive off to sell it.

"HEY! STOP HIM!" You hear the security guard shout, he fires his pistol at you. He rolled a 1 and misses all shots. You then remember while driving off...

tap into those thoughts that you've been ignoring and do one of them

You drive to the old warehouse to meet up with Jake.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Jake exclaims. You tell him about your plan to sell the car so you can loan him money but mid-way through talking you hear a car roll up.

A man and what looks like to be his armed goons walk up to you and Jake.

"Thought you could hide from us?" The man in the middle says.

Jake's expression suddenly turns from glee to horror. "N-no! I'm getting the money right now, ju-"


Jake is lying dead on the floor.

"Hey, you missed one!" The boss shouts and points at you.

HP: 100/100
Hunger: 94/100
Thirst: 94/100
Sleep: 94/100
Status Effects: None

Inventory (1.69905/10 Units):
  • $599.05 (0.59905 Units)
  • Soda (0.3 Units) (+5 Thirst)
  • Empty Milk Carton (0.3 Units) (0/4 Liquid Units)
  • Important Note (0.1 Units)
  • Knife (0.2 Units)
  • Beer Bottle (0.3 Units) (+6 Thirst, possible addiction side effects)

Information and Surroundings:
Time: You do not have a watch, it's about dawn.
Temperature: There is no thermometer close by, it's fairly chilly outside though.

Buying a watch is recommended, you can tell the time with it.
Your friend Jake is dead and you're surrounded by what seems to be the mafia. It would be best to surrender or run.

*Point at a non-existent $5000 dollars on the ground and run*

Run those forgeters over

tip over the big shelf in the background and use it as cover

say "cyka blyat in my tongue means 'i am in great distress brothers, rush b'"