Author Topic: 2016/09/18 - Blockland r1985 + r1986  (Read 87268 times)

wow haxor get bant
sendMessage(e-maxx, "huehue");

you ddos blockland by doing rm -rf in powershell

it's a reference to that one drama where someone thought the console spam from pinging all the servers on the master list was "ddosing"

Seems nice this is getting bug fixes. Keep it up with the updates.

I hope a big update with good changes will arrive in the future, not sure if we will have one, though. Either way, at least were getting small ones that still improves Blockland.

the next update should be mirrors

Ooo team flood protection. Helpful.

we need the ability to use custom bodyparts, besides the default ones.
also, more body customization in the face, butt and others..

we need the ability to use custom bodyparts, besides the default ones.
Blockland hides and un-hides nodes to customize the blockhead, so you'd have to make a whole new player model with your own models to replace what's already there

also, more body customization in the face, butt and others..
We can already download and use face and torso decals, but i do wish there was a way to make custom decals, like if you wanted a different decal on your back, or on your arms
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 12:04:35 PM by Masterlegodude »

Well, this is new.. (ignore steam chat n stuff)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 09:25:36 PM by Dragonoid.Slayer »

Well, this is new.. (ignore steam chat n stuff)
[img width=900 ][/img]
I've never seen that, what were you doing at the time? You should also post your console.log file

I've never seen that, what were you doing at the time? You should also post your console.log file
I was just playing jailbreak, but I've already restarted blockland, so rip console.log