Author Topic: Blockland 2 being developed by Anthonyrules144  (Read 14579 times)

You'll have fun with unreal, don't expect any error message to make sense, especially if they're related to UHT macros :D
I literally added a space to the end of a line and the engine refused to compile, then was fine if I deleted the space.
Compiling Unreal4 is suffering

A lot of the officially sponsored Unreal Devs/Teachers I talk to end up using 90% Blueprints and the experimental CPP Converter anyway, because it makes life 10,000 times easier when your artists and programmers can speak the same language.

I knew this was going to happen, lol.

I would post the .exe but I don't know how to without becoming ban

I would post the .exe but I don't know how to without becoming ban

My god, it's a total abomination...

 Still looks 10x better than this current project.

Maybe they can hire Insert Name Here, who is clearly a game design expert and doesn't need professional opinions, because he already knows that Torque is the superior engine and can outmatch Unreal any day of the week.

new exclusive gameplay

[img ][/img]

[img ][/img]
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 07:36:28 PM by Insert Name Here² »

Could you not
how to get people to try to get reactions out of you: react

new exclusive gameplay


lol, is that Roblox?

A lot of the officially sponsored Unreal Devs/Teachers I talk to end up using 90% Blueprints and the experimental CPP Converter anyway, because it makes life 10,000 times easier when your artists and programmers can speak the same language.

It wouldn't be useful for making a high performance brick system though, and mods using blueprint would also be a nightmare

and mods using blueprint would also be a nightmare
Not really, no.

Unreal 4 supports modding.


It's a bit of a fudge for the time being as you have to export a project and .uasset files for people to extend off of, but Unreal has put it in their roadmap to improve and simplify the mod process.