Author Topic: Art  (Read 2416 times)

Me and my friend Pastel Purple play renderman and prepper alot so i thought id draw a picture  :nes:
do you have a dog

tbh it seems like the only thing you "drew" here was the mouth (i'm not even 100% sure on that) and that weird death symbol i don't recognize
everything else seems like you just used tools for which isn't always a bad thing but it's usually obvious and doesn't really look as natural

plus honestly this is a bit too simple of a situation to make a drawing of, like maybe you could put a few buildings in the background or whatever it is you have in a renderman server

forget you. u could of just siad i dont like. instead your being a prick
What do you want, a medal for spending 5 minutes in Microsoft Paint?

What do you want, a medal for spending 5 minutes in Microsoft Paint?
forget you. you could have just siamese he dont lick it, but instead you act like a prick.

In the nicest way I can put this, this is garbage

goes into drawing megathread you didnt have to showcase this in its own thread