Author Topic: jitank is back  (Read 55362 times)

Look how loving realistic BB guns are now. This specific BB gun revolver even allows you to load the pellets into shells allowing you to reload the gun like a real loving revolver.

How the forget would you be able to tell if this was fake? You would need one hell of a loving eye to notice that one of the shells has a tiny metal bb on the tip instead.

that's the most inefficient BB gun i ever saw

that's the most inefficient BB gun i ever saw

Inefficient to look as realistic as possible for no loving reason.

I could literally mug enough people with this fake gun and with that money I can then have enough to go buy a real gun.

Retail price of this gun? 19.99

Hold people up for money? Priceless.

Also last I checked, holding a BB gun isn't punishable by death either.
Path if you don't know what you're talking about then can it lol

Look how loving realistic BB guns are now. This specific BB gun revolver even allows you to load the pellets into shells allowing you to reload the gun like a real loving revolver.

How the forget would you be able to tell if this was fake? You would need one hell of a loving eye to notice that one of the shells has a tiny metal bb on the tip instead.

Holy crap! I wouldn't be able to notice the difference either. And to imagine we used to hate chinese ripoffs for being unrealistic.

Look at that, there is even BB guns with magazines for that extra added realism when you pretend to reload it.

The media just LOVES to downplay the BB gun by saying "BLACK kid shot by harmless toy BB gun by WHITE police officer" when in reality the gun looks as realistic as the pictures I've been showing.

how was treyvon scum of the earth? when you're being followed by someone the usual course of action is facing the stalker. I dont see how that makes you a hardened criminal by default.
If it was me, I would try to run to a place of safety, like towards the police, or other members of the public.
I don't think facing your stalker is the wisest course of action if you suspect they mean to do you harm, particularly in a country where people carry guns.

Yes, there are some protests where no violence occurs, just calls for violence.  Like all the times huge crowds of BLM supporters have chanted about killing cops.  Or that time that lady called for everyone to burn down white people's homes and the media reported it as a "call for peace".

Nearly every high profile victim the media picks up on - Michael Brown, Treyvon Martin, Korryn Gaines, Eric Garner, Tyree King - loving Rodney King - They all turn out to be the scum of the earth.  Habitual criminals that should have been exterminated years ago. 

The list of BLM demands on their own official website all boil down to "give us free money" and "we want to commit crime with no consequences".  It's like something out of a Chick tract. proudly displays quotes from Assata Shakur who is a convicted murderer.

It's cartoonishly bad.  You're making every black stereotype into reality.  Racism is learned and you're you're giving everyone a crash course.
How exactly am I feeding to a stereotype? By support equal rights for all skin colors? There are many peaceful BLM protest that I support. However, to believe that stereotype is an actual depiction of dark skin people is tribal itself. Youve yet to mention the riots of white people over sports, in which case they arnt called thugs, but black people are.

By support equal rights for all skin colors?

You're actually only supporting equal rights for one skin color.

It's called "black lives matter" not "all lives matter" for a specific reason. Oh sure you people say "all lives matter but black lives need awareness, we matter" which is bullstuff and in reality black people aren't even the lowest, most oppressed minority in America.

What about:

Red Lives Matter - BLM gets 100 million donated to them for free but a North Dakota indian reservation has to suffer so people can get oil.

Tranloveual Lives Matter - Tranloveuals are either getting raped or murdered just because of their identity choice. When do their lives matter?

Gay Lives Matter - BLM crashed a memorial event for the gay night club shooting by asking why no one goes to their rallies.

You're actually only supporting equal rights for one skin color.

It's called "black lives matter" not "all lives matter" for a specific reason. Oh sure you people say "all lives matter but black lives need awareness, we matter" which is bullstuff and in reality black people aren't even the lowest, most oppressed minority in America.

What about:

Red Lives Matter - BLM gets 100 million donated to them for free but a North Dakota indian reservation has to suffer so people can get oil.

Tranloveual Lives Matter - Tranloveuals are either getting raped or murdered just because of their identity choice. When do their lives matter?

Gay Lives Matter - BLM crashed a memorial event for the gay night club shooting by asking why no one goes to their rallies.
Equal right genious. White males have the most rights.

How exactly am I feeding to a stereotype?
if i had a dollar for every emoji you used, i'd have 100$

Equal right genious. White males have the most rights.

What rights do we have more than black people?

The right to the front seat of the bus.

The right for the clean water drinking fountain.

The right for the clean bathroom.

The right to live in a white neighborhood.

The right to vote.

The right be 1 whole person instead of 3/5ths of a person.

Oh wait, all these rights have already been fought for. You're literally no better than third wave feminism at this point. Next you'll be complaining about how air conditioning is tribal.

Equal right genious. White males have the most rights.
tribal AND loveist

What rights do white males have over black people in 2016?