Author Topic: jitank is back  (Read 50592 times)

   @BLForums, how are most of you so culturally incompetant that you cant see what other cultures are going theough nor repect a culture thats different than yours.
I respect people who respect me. I respect the cultures and sensitivities of other peoples as long as they don't harm other people. What I don't respect is your ideas that you will stick to until the bitter end, no matter how much evidence is thrown into your face. You will deny the truth as long as the lie is pretty and comfortable enough for you. Hundreds of people in my hometown waving YOUR flag fatally shot police officers, people that had families, wives, and children. Whether you like it or not, they represent your movement. What happened here in Texas is not an isolated incident, and you know that. But you sure as hell wont admit it, because of your candy-coated ideals that are impossible to reach. You see, I respect cultures. I just hate people like you. Black, White, Asian, Indian, or any other color of the rainbow. I hate your arrogant facade that you parade as tolerance and acceptance.

I respect people who respect me. I respect the cultures and sensitivities of other peoples as long as they don't harm other people. What I don't respect is your ideas that you will stick to until the bitter end, no matter how much evidence is thrown into your face. You will deny the truth as long as the lie is pretty and comfortable enough for you. Hundreds of people in my hometown waving YOUR flag fatally shot police officers, people that had families, wives, and children. Whether you like it or not, they represent your movement. What happened here in Texas is not an isolated incident, and you know that. But you sure as hell wont admit it, because of your candy-coated ideals that are impossible to reach. You see, I respect cultures. I just hate people like you. Black, White, Asian, Indian, or any other color of the rainbow. I hate your arrogant facade that you parade as tolerance and acceptance.
Except there isnt evidence that your side has provided. However, I have provided evidence in this and other topics that you choose to ignore. I cant force you to read anything.

@BLForums, how are most of you so culturally incompetant that you cant see what other cultures are going theough nor repect a culture thats different than yours.

I'm not a cultural relativist. There are an assload of cultures that suck. Get over it

Not even the full 13% of the african population celebrates african culture.

Except there isnt evidence that your side has provided. However, I have provided evidence in this and other topics that you choose to ignore. I cant force you to read anything.
You call us out on ignoring evidence, YET YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS DOING IT LMFAO YOU loving HYPOCRITE

That and your """"""evidence""""" is always from extremely biased sources, aka sjw websites
peaceful marches

Oh so you are one of those who think the BlackLivesMatter movement is a group. And you know, since we are all making assumptions, im going to assume West Burrow Baptist Church represents all christians.

I'd rather be associated with the WBC, who are globally infamous for saying mean words, than the Black Lives Matter "movement", who actively call for the murder of police officers and violence against people of a certain skin color and the destruction of vulnerable black neighborhoods. If you're with them you're part of it, but yeah, I get it though. "movement" and "group" are kinda somewhat different things if you're trying to be a vague cunt for the sole purpose of compensating for the hateful garbage that BLM is responsible for. I'm sure there's probably one BLM supporter out there that isn't a total loving degenerate, I mean, maybe? There's a possibility all of you are just as stupid and violent as the next.

The only "movement" that accurately describes BLM is "bowel movement".

@BLForums, how are most of you so culturally incompetant that you cant see what other cultures are going theough nor repect a culture thats different than yours.

How are you so incompetent in general that you don't know how to spell incompetent, through or respect lol? You should probably hold off trying to dismiss dissenting arguments as "ignorant" and "incompetent" until you at-least learn how to spell. Until then you should probably grow up and learn how to deal with people who disagree with you without trying to blow it off as "cultural incompetence", whatever the forget that even means.

Alright Jitank I didn't want to do it but you're pissing me off. If you hate America so much and hate how the white devil stole your ancestors from their homeland and forced them into slave labor then maybe you should go back to your roots.

This way you can be with your own kind and won't have to worry about being profiled and discriminated against based on your skin color. I will pay for your 1 way trip to Africa. Pack your bags.

Did I fool you with the last picture? The last picture is a joke, it's actually Detroit. However I'll also buy your 1 way trip to Detroit too, it's basically the same loving thing.

This is what you want, isn't it?


  • Administrator
im going to assume West Burrow Baptist Church represents all christians.

Westboro Baptist is literally one family of handicaps that everyone hates.  BLM is a crowd of thousands chanting to kill cops.  It's entitled twats shutting down airports and freeways, putting people's lives at risk because they can't see past their own ego.  It's deified criminals held up as saints by the entire main stream media and even high level politicians.  It isn't a few bad eggs doing this, it's the majority.

But you want to talk about the movement?  The movement is based the premise that blacks are underprivileged and tribal white cops gun them down in the streets without cause.  This is not true.  The vast majority of black homicide victims are killed by other black people.  Several of the cops involved in these controversial shootings are black.  Black men have more encounters with the police because they commit more crime than any other demographic - by a shocking amount.  Are there tribal cops out there?  Probably, but it's not even close to the biggest problem the black community faces.

There are college entrance, scholarship and tuition assistance programs that only apply to blacks.  Affirmative action and hiring quotas offer jobs to blacks even if they are unqualified.  Hate speech laws protect blacks but not whites.  These are all unearned benefits - privileges - bestowed to the black community solely on the basis of race.  Next time you're attending one of these peaceful campus protests, look around at all the people there and think about who they've displaced.  Think about the more qualified students who were pushed somewhere else because their skin was too light.  Eat your own catch phrase for once and check your goddamn privilege.  

What is even the end goal of BLM? Equality? How do you quantify that when existing laws already offer that protection?

Instead of fixing their own problems and joining the rest of civilized society BLM wants to bring everyone else down to their level. If whites are the oppressors as they say what can we do to fix it? We have given you so many chances and opportunities that have been squandered. If you're truly oppressed by our actions your only choices are to hope we just give everything up or revolt violently. In either case I'm not going to sit by and let my way of life be destroyed.

BLM does seem like an invasive species. I will not tolerate fearing for my life for being white.

Lmfao, Tony you know that there are plenty of full cities in Africa right? And not just in South Africa. Plus, ypu need to appreciate black people more especially because our ancestors were force to build the entire country.

Lmfao, Tony you know that there are plenty of full cities in Africa right? And not just in South Africa. Plus, ypu need to appreciate black people more especially because our ancestors were force to build the entire country.

Name one well developed 1st world country with a majority black population.