
Are you going to make maps and interiors?

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5 (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: Blockland Classic Mod | * Trailer updated *  (Read 18573 times)

We should make a server and have us all play on it.

EDIT: Doradus Universe does not work properly. Probably because it has no .ter file with it.

If you press the key ~ after crashing, what does the lig say? The map works fine for me.

OK, I really like this, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around this development.

There's two projects with corresponding boards: Peekarica and Blockland Classic.

Are they different or the same? If they're the same they shouldn't have separate boards and downloads.
Peekarica is another game made in Torque. It's a deathmatch game where you kill othet players. Since nobody plays it I will scrap this game soon off the list and archive it.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 05:23:00 PM by Antares »

Peekarica is another game made in Torque. It's a deathmatch game where you kill othet players. Since nobody plays it I will scrap this game soon off the list and archive it.
Okay, I finally got it! Thanks so much.

Open the images in a new tab for a 1920x1080 resolution.

Ah, the skybox is missing, my fault. I'll fix this tomorrow.

Are you seriously gonna only update this once a year? I understand you probably have other stuff to do and are taking your free time to do this for no profit but that's a really long time to wait. I'd prefer a few small updates sporadically over the year over one big one.

Are you seriously gonna only update this once a year? I understand you probably have other stuff to do and are taking your free time to do this for no profit but that's a really long time to wait. I'd prefer a few small updates sporadically over the year over one big one.
Thanks for the hands up. I'll roll out some updates each month then. Like: Version 9 release 1 - 99.

Use Wine Emulator for Mac, that should work.

Wine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator"

Doradus map has been fixed. The map should work now.

My server will be up tomorrow. Anyone who wants to do a Earth 2.0 - Nation RP, PM me. Here is an old thread to get an exact idea how this will turn out.

Here is an update of the development of version 9 that I'm planning.
  • You can toggle lights on bricks via the wrench tool
  • Spraycan has a better and more realistic spray particle
  • Hammer hit sound once you hit the ground or anything else (done)
  • Vehicle spawn system, once the player enters the vehicle the sit animation is enabled
  • Toggle player light by pressing L
  • Fixing the glitch that lights up all shapes once a weapon particle hits the ground
  • All scripts of the game will be stored into one single .cs file like Blockland has. This will avoid hundreds of Blockland Classic Mod copies edited by other people. One is enough.
  • Add-Ons can be easier installed (weapons, vehicles, custom lights, etc). Once the people puts the .cs file into the Add-Ons folder with the item folder too the .cs file will be automatically executed into the server.
  • Join, leave, ban and spawn player sounds. If you got BCM running in the background you'll hear a connect sound once someone joined, spawned in or left your server

Done so far:
  • The map loading shows the map image, if you don't have the same map as the host you'll get "Unknown map" image.
  • Fixed the missing textures for GUI controls like the checkbox and menulist in MissionEditor
  • The GuiTextEditCtrl now has a white background and black outline.
  • The road texture bricks are now dark gray.
  • ..some more stuff that I can't even remember!

If this all succeeds, Return To Blockland 1.045 will fall off into history once people will play this. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you people, things like rain and snow actually collides with the bricks. So when ever you made a house, rain or snow wont fall through the roof.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 02:47:26 PM by Antares »

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you people, things like rain and snow actually collides with the bricks. So when ever you made a house, rain or snow wont fall through the roof.
wow it's better than the actual game