Author Topic: i sorta saved a dude's life last night  (Read 20190 times)

your assumptions may be smart (subjective) but they are just that, assumptions. i'm stating what i truly believe in because i believe that nobody's life really matters. what gives you the say in how thought out my beliefs are? forget you
how can i be selfish when my mindset affects no one but me
again, this is all just assuming. i'm telling you that you are not wrong nor right but it will be dismissed because you just assuming.
assuming, dude. i can't say that you're right or wrong because i don't have an answer.
assuming again, dude. no comment.
You complained when I "dismissed" your stuff so I went and answered ALL of it just to be nice and for this to be equal. What do I get? Oh, MORE DISMISSIVENESS. How about I completely loving ignore all your points? After all what good is it to respond to them, when all I get is dismissive half-assed posts and assumptions. forget you Das, if you're going to argue, actually make an attempt instead of pulling this stuff.

if you really wanted to kill yourself you would've done it. you didn't go through with the idea because you didn't want to kill yourself.
your steps may work for you but it has a chance of not working for anybody else.
i don't choose to make life a living hell. i choose to make it into a motherforgetin paradise where i can enjoy it. this will happen soon once i get a job and finish school
you're also assuming that you have to be optimistic to be happy and have a good life
You're wrong.

If I really wanted to kill myself, I would've, and I really loving did. But do you know what happened? People came in and helped me in my time of need, and they helped me out of the forgeted mindset and talked me out of it, stood with me by my side like true friends, and did not leave it. If you were my friend, I'd already be dead due to your mindset you're having with the guy in the OP. You claim you're not selfish, but all you care about is yourself and your own well-being. You keep saying you'll make your life a paradise and all this stuff, while talking down on the guy and the very thought of people not killing themselves, you're in favor of it, while you're not in favor of yourself doing the same thing.

Explain to me how that is not selfish and we'll get back to it, and don't dismiss this with "ASSUMPTIONS!!11!!".

Again, context matters a lot when it comes to problems like suicidal urges. Usually there is something that is happening or that has happened in somebody's life that may be overwhelming them. They may feel cornered or trapped, and it feels like there's no way out. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Ike here is right about this.

(Please do not take this out of context as attention whoring, I'm using it as a huge example to explain why Ike knows what he is talking about and to help inform and smoothen out the unclear bits as well.)

In my life when I had the giant sperg of depression, I thought my life was really going down the stuffter. By that time, my dad and my step-mom have been together for a little over 2 years, which those years were loving filled with stress, fear, and sadness for me. Near everyday for weeks and months, my parents WOULD loving NOT stop arguing, no matter what I said to them, no matter what I did or attempted, they just would not stop arguing, even calling the cops twice on them didn't help loving jack squat. All of this stress on me turned me into a mental dumpster with no one to talk to or branch out with, so I just kept my emotions bottled inside of me for a long time. My parents even got into physical fights before, my dad has hit my mom many times as well, all of which just fueled the stress and anger in me. Around this time, back in November is when I re-joined BLF in hopes to make new friends and to help "get-out" of my current situation since I had no other website that I loved quite like this one, and it back-fired right up in my face. Near every day, I was targeted and dog-piled in the community for doing things literally everyone else was doing. (albiet, a bit more immature but the actions are not inexcusable.) After a while up into February and March is when I started to get some extreme suicidal thoughts near every day. In mid-march is when I reached my breaking point when I was publicly mocked for my emotions, and thus that entire stuff-show went down. A little after, my few close friends realized what was going on and they jumped in to help me. Friends like Moltenkitten, Shazoo, NightHawk, Akio, Ike too I'm sure, and more. They all helped pull me out of the emotional pit I was in. I no joke had a bottle of bleach in my hand that night, and it would've been empty if these friends and more did not come in and help me. After this and after a few days of calming myself down, I realized what horrible decision Self Delete would have been. It would have put so many of my friends and family into horrible stress and guilt, and I did not want to throw that upon them. Ever since then I've been trying my best to not dread on things in the past and I looked to the brighter side of things to help myself move on, and you know what? It actually worked, and has been working for 8+ months now without fail.

If I did not have anyone make a jump decision to help me, I would have been dead. Just like Hodot making the jump decision to help the guy. All we could know and theorize is that he most definitely wanted to die that night, yet he didn't because someone helped in his time of need, and that was an amazing thing Hodot has done.

I do not know where you got your loving inhuman twisted mindset of yours, but if you keep it up, it will not help you anywhere in life if you just care about nobody but yourself, and I really hope you come to realize it. I know you're a good guy and can be one, but if you want to actually be successful and have a good life, you cannot just put yourself in front of everyone and survive off of other people's downfalls.

My fingers ow

why are you?
He didn't say he was allowed. He was saying that you aren't informed enough to draw a conclusion. Which you are not. Stop trying to incite arguments.

actually, yes he did
you are a terrible person if you think ending your life is a solution to your problems. it's not and it never will be.

people who say "Self Delete is always a solution in every situation" really piss me off for so many loving reasons i can and cant list, it isn't, if your gonna put a gun to your head, your solving your problems by losing, not only that, but your only giving the pain your suffering to your family, your friends, anybody who atleast doesnt dislike you by doing it in the first place

but can this man's life really be saved? he was already half-dead by the time hodot and his friend stumbled upon him and was pretty ready to end it
seriously, get some loving help, this is not a goddamn normal way of thinking, in any situation where someone is on the verge on ending their own life for trivial reasons or not its not loving worth it to take to alcohol and death, anyone can recover from any loving situation, the only exceptions i see to this is something like 9/11, where if your not near ground level, fate has already chosen for you, and you only have death as an option, but even in situations like that people who did jump were commemorated for doing something like that, its not because they wanted to die, its because they had no choice but to die

i would've allowed this dude to go through with it. i don't think he could handle the extreme pressure and sorrow that was upon him at the time and a short lifetime is much better than a lifetime of suffering
you cant predict the future dude, what if this guy turns his life around, gets his stuff together, or his ex wife gives up and hands back his kids? just think

especially since life doesn't really matter and we're all just thoughts inside a hunk of meat anyways
1-800-273-8255 call this loving number right now, seriously, this kind of thinking is the same exact kind of thinking that a suicidal person has

i dont usually get this militant over a topic, but this is one of the few things i am pretty serious about

why are you?
it's always something with you isn't it. what i meant was pretty obvious. you can't argue with human morals and letting someone just die is plain immorally wrong. but if you want to talk about how morality is just a human construct so it doesn't actually matter then you can morally screw yourself.

i can't tell if this is a prank or not

inh your response is coming soon i've tagged myself back into the ring had enough of this stuff
the point may go nowhere but i'm furious enough to try

i can't tell if this is a prank or not
You're not used to having someone be legitimately concerned about you, are ya?

i can't tell if this is a prank or not
i cant tell if your posts (which is a very big red flag) in this topic is a prank or not dude

inh your response is coming soon i've tagged myself back into the ring had enough of this stuff
the point may go nowhere but i'm furious enough to try
You could've just waited and typed in real time instead of coming back into the thread to brag about it tbh

He doesn't. Self Delete isn't something that you just do. It's like standing on the top of a burning building and having to decide whether to let the flames take you or jump off. Everything comes to mind, your past, your family, your friends, hell even your pets. You realize what you're going to leave behind, the people that would be affected by your choice. That's why people decide to not take the leap. Because of that small voice in the back of your head that tells you that you live for those people. Those people make you happy, and the little things that you do with them, like laughing and smiling, that's what keeps you going. At least, for me.
Given your name I thought you'd choose to jump.

Given your name I thought you'd choose to jump.
I laughed way harder than I should have.

it's always something with you isn't it.
what i meant was pretty obvious.
well, not really. you said that he doesn't have the authority to say it's okay to kill yourself. you are saying that it's not okay to kill yourself, so I'm wondering why you have that authority when das doesn't
you can't argue with human morals and letting someone just die is plain immorally wrong.
forcing someone to suffer is better? I'm not a christian, so I don't care about hell. obviously they don't either, or they wouldn't be considering Self Delete. so why is it my responsibility, as a non-christian, to enforce your christian beliefs on someone who is presumably also not a christian?

to clarify my feelings: I think OP did the right thing. Self Delete is a bad option when you have responsibilities to other people, especially your children. but generally speaking, I don't think Self Delete is morally wrong, nor is allowing someone to do it. only if there are other factors, like that, involved (but even then I wouldn't hold hodot morally responsible for the guy's children, had he just kept walking)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 02:59:42 PM by Foxscotch »

Could someone TL;DR me on what's going on?

Could someone TL;DR me on what's going on?
Das trying to validate the choice of Self Delete for all problems (excluding his own yet he says he isn't being selfish) while others tell him how wrong it is