Author Topic: Setting custom bots?  (Read 1267 times)

How do I create a "custom" bot team? How does it work? Is it for things like Slayer?

From what I understand, you just set the team name to x and they fight bots in other teams.
How do mercenary bots work would also be rad to know.

mercenary bots i would imagine are "solo" as in they fight everyone, even other mercenaries

for custom i would imagine that you give it a name like "team one" and then they fight the other non-team-one teams

Can I make bots follow or at least go to players by default?

Is it possible to at least, say, stop making the bots not attack you sometimes and run away? I have SetIdleBehavior off but they still forget around.

Personally, I've found that you have to set SetIdleBehavior events for each individual behavior instead of using one line (of events) to turn off every behavior.

As far as I know...

Friendly makes the bot friendly to players and enemy to enemies.
Neutral makes the bot neutral, only engage players when attacked.
Also, I think bots who are not friendly have a chance to attack neutrals but don't quote me on that.
Enemy makes the bot an enemy of all.
Mercenary's a deathmatch team (according to Resonte at least)
Owner teams the bots with the brick's owner.
Custom is used so you can have separate Enemy teams. Also, Slayer allegedly has compatibility with this feature to ally bots with teams of the same name but this is yet to be confirmed.

The bot team system is not compatible with Slayer as far as I know (Slayer will have to make it compatible but I have no idea if they made bots use the same team based on its name - correct me if I am wrong)

If the team is the same as the other they will not attack each other (Custom) - If 2 bots are on a team of "asdjfia" they will not attack each other but they will still attack players, as far as I know.

According to Greek2me, it is. He said you use Custom team to set hole bots to teams.

Is it possible to at least, say, stop making the bots not attack you sometimes and run away? I have SetIdleBehavior off but they still forget around.