Author Topic: DRPG Moments  (Read 1074 times)

Does anybody remember DRPG (Destiny RPG) back from like 2011?
Twas an amazing RPG ruined by the removal of maps, it relied on the infinite terrain of maps..most of the time.
I feel it has been buried over the past few years and I dont believe many people remember it. But for those who do; What were memorable times back in the DRPG days.

It could possibly be recreated due to the creation of PTG, and it would be interesting to see it (or a version) in the future.

link to original gamemode

It's been hosted plenty of times after the removal of maps, worked perfectly fine.
The only thing you gotta fix is planting seeds, and also remove building.

one time i hit a rock with a pickaxe

I played Boomerang Dog's server long enough to be able to craft with maple logs, and I renember this one time:

there was this valley in fairlands where a river ran through, but either side of the valley was too high to climb out of it

some guy built a bridge and a tower in the middle

he charged people tolls to cross his valley bridge
it was pretty funny and a genius use of building

idk why but my best memories of BL were playing drpg

skill4life drpg
boomrangdog drpg

ill get pics of theses moments tmr, best ever