Agree or disagree, humanity sucks.

Author Topic: Agree or disagree, humanity sucks.  (Read 5782 times)

why not just leave it unlocked if you gonna respond

i was gonna be done but i didn't see that comment. again, apologies.

had unlock to say i'm not one of those morons who thinks that atheism is dominant. and i hate fedoras.

Are you trying to get the last word lol

Are you trying to get the last word lol

no, just refuting stupid stuff.

so... yes

if defending myself is "getting the last word" then whatever...

also you didn't respond to me

>when you know you're wrong as hell but you just can't step away.

if defending myself is "getting the last word" then whatever...

Against what

Different opinions?

OP doesn't realize Humanity has always been a mistake from the get-go. At this point, there are way too many arrogant starfishs that it's completely impossible to pick up after ourselves. Religion, authority, and greed all contributed to this, even before a completely civilized world was a thing.

We live in a civilized world in which we work, work, and work. All to die at around age 65. The point is, what's the point in doing so, if were constantly shooting ourselves in the foot? Wars are still raging on, corrupt idols still walk, for forgets sake, RACISM and HATE is still a thing, all of this going on since near the beginning of humanity itself. That's how long our problems have been going on.

You got people who pop out babies like a bunch of rabbits, people who just care about money (biggest flawed system here), people who kill just to feel better, and people who are outraged because someone somewhere doesn't agree with their beliefs. How are we going to improve humanity if we can't fix the problems that have existed since humanity came to be?!

At this point, just buckle up and continue on. As much as I agree with you, there's really nothing big you can do about it.

" weh weh weh weh im gay "