Author Topic: NEXT GEN NEWBS 4K+  (Read 7803 times)

Blockhead 4003 came into my server. Listened. We told him how to talk. Then he left. -_-

4010 is packing the heat. He is very good in DMs.
Or maybe you just suck.

Every ID over 1000 gets a free tutorial on my server :D
Even me? I is good at gramer and speling and i be buildin real good! :D
doorman was i suposed to lock somthing before you would stop calling me a noob
Yes all those noob clans and topics, plus I was bored and you were un-lucky enough to be my target. soz about that.

Look at this. Two on one server, thier coming.

HAHA I already saw Blockhead4002 I think I helped him out enough. He was nice, annoying but nice.

4010 is packing the heat. He is very good in DMs.

So am I.

Lol I just saw a 4014! They are coming fast! His name was Little Genius. He was also nice, and he talked!

OH NOES at least Furdle will be a threat with more allies D:
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 04:29:16 PM by Bio Spark »

Good building
Bad spelling

Why is it like blockhead4002 and the id is 4001

Why is it like blockhead4002 and the id is 4001
Because the Id's started at 0 not 1.

Every ID over 1000 gets a free tutorial on my server :D

I'm ID 1957. D:

Why is it like blockhead4002 and the id is 4001
Because the Id's started at 0 not 1.
Oh, thats why.

OH NOES at least Furdle won't be a threat anymore...
Furdle will always be a threat. That is the key reason that we keep our defenses up.

Who the hell is ID_4000? That's what I'd like to know.